Behind the cut are IBARW posts collected on
Delicious in the last 24 hours (
more details).
- unusualmusic: IBARW: Ecominded POC :: Because race and class are integral parts of my environmentalism. Because poor POC's are being, and will continue to be, the ones who will disproportionately affected by environmental catastrophe. Because although I knew they were out there, I found it astonishingly hard to locate them, because I didn't know how to find them. After all, their issues did not come under teh traditional rubric of the mainstream environmental issues. Because I felt so terribly alone and weird.So here are a list of Inspiring, Eco-Minded POC. Because no. We are not alone. And yes, our issues matter. Even though finding the tag "environmental justice" on Grist Magazine, for example, requires specific and targeted search.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc international english.language environmentalism activism class) - fabrisse: IBARW: Sex :: I've just finished watching a History Channel documentary about the sexual revolution and how 1969 was a seminal (arrrgh, not the best pun, but unfortunately the best word) year for the evolving mores. But sex for POC was A) limited only to African Americans and B) related to black men and white women. Oh, there were a couple of comments about young black women being allowed to get laid, and in the later segment about gay liberation there were pictures, no spokesmen, of young gay black men, but most of the segment revolved around the film 100 Rifles, and how Jim Brown being allowed to act like a lover rather than a rapist with his white co-star was a bench mark.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white black african.american english.language tv sexuality) - Now and Rome: there were people of colour in the past, too! :: To say that a book is 'not racist' because it was written in the past and 'they didn't know any better' is to do history from the point of view of the oppressor to a really startling degree. Because, you know, who didn't know any better? White people who dehumanized black people, and profited from the dehumanization. The African slaves working on the sugar plantation which provides the basis for Jane's financial independence and therefore her successful/model marriage? They knew better.Getting people to think of racism solely as a diagnostic tool for ranking the goodness, rightness, and therefore authority/prestige, of white people, rather than as a system of violent oppression of people of colour: that must count as one of the biggest victories for the anti-civil-rights backlash.
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eid_ka_chand: IBARW: A call to action :: In looking back at the previous years our sister comm [info -] eid_fic tried to generate effort in an Eid ficathon, it's disappointing how few responses there were. Seeing responses to other ficathons that have very specific requirements (zombies! threesomes! obscure multi volume canon for pinch hit!), we know that fandom is certainly capable of rising to the challenge of writing beyond their comfort zone, as long as they feel the interest in doing so.We'd like to ask you to help us generate interest.If you have reviews of books or movies with Muslim characters, post or link to them, and tell us what names to add to our master list.Write or repost meta analysis about the intersection of Islam and race/culture in a source you enjoy reading/watching.Think of a character you can talk about, and write an intro post, or do a picspam.Make icons to share with other fans.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc international english.language muslim fandom writing representation)- imaginarycircus: I'm a racist, sexist, classist, ageist, and highly imperfect human being :: Here's the thing. The whole Gates debacle has convinced me that most white people are racists and don't know it. I'm a white person and I am more racist than I would like to think I am. "Racist" has become such a loaded word--it makes it very hard for people in the majority to admit to racism, sexism, classism or any of the other dirty little -isms that cause problems. Who wants to stand up and say, "I'm a homphobic, sexist, racist idiot?" It's not as bad as saying you eat babies, but its a lot worse than saying you don't recycle.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white english.language race allywork racism police) - antarasheart: Ugly On The Inside :: For me, race is so inextricably tied up with my family. I mean, ha ha, I'm biracial, duh, obvious, but that's not entirely what I mean. I mean…I love both my parents. And they both love me. But my relationships with them, and my relationships with the two different sides of my family are very different. My relationship with my mother is very different. And a big part of that relationship always comes back around to race.I don't want it that way; it certainly wasn't my choice to make it that way, but however it happened, much of the teenage battleground between me and my mother was fought on that field. And like any war, the repercussions of it are still with me, now, to this day.
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jesse_the_k: [ibarw] movie rave FROZEN RIVER :: FROZEN RIVER explores racism, ethics, power & money head-on, with sympathy, clarity and grace. The lead characters are Mohawk and White, played expertly by Misty Upham and Melissa Leo. They're total strangers who end up conspiring to make money by breaking boundaries
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states first.nations white mohawk english.language movies emma_in_oz: International Blog Against Racism Week - Indigenous Small Presses :: the Australian Productivity Commission has just released a report on the parallel importation of books. Basically this is a proposal to cut import costs on books, which will probably lower the price of books and almost certainly knock some small presses out of business in Australia. Which would include the small Indigenous presses. I have written to the Government asking that they take the likely impact on small presses into account. Closing small Indigenous presses would mean fewer great books like Sally Morgan’s *My Place* (Fremantle Arts Press, 1987). It would mean losing great books to educate kids about Australia’s indigenous culture like *Aussie Toddlers Can* (Magabala, 2006).* It would mean losing a record of Australian experience, like Yami Lester’s autobiography (IAD Press, 1993). If not for books like *Yami* how would people know about the experiences of Western Desert people exposed to nuclear testing at Maralinga?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people australia indigenous.australians maori.language books education institutional.racism activism representation publishing money) - yasaman: Looking For My Particular Brand of Unicorns (IBARW) :: There are talented actors of Persian or Middle Eastern descent in America. They would really like to play roles that do not involve terrorism. Us Middle Eastern people would like to see them play roles that do not involve terrorism. Why? Because media representation of our people fucking matters. It matters to our own perception of ourselves, and it matters to the world's perception of us. The news is bad enough with portraying all Middle Eastern people as some bloc of terrorists, potential terrorists, and oppressed people what need saving by white people. For once, we'd like to see Middle Eastern people living the same stories on the big screen that the white people get to live. And failing that, we would fucking like to see Middle Eastern people playing the roles actually based on our cultures and peoples.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.multiracial.people united.states middle.eastern english.language tv media movies stereotypes media.(mis)representation white.washing racism representation afghan-american) - evilprodigy: [IBARW] Yellow Fever: It's Not Just A Man Thing :: If you, white chick, have ever exclaimed wonderingly at how beautiful and androgynous! Asian men are, so different from white men: you were being racist. If you have ever marveled that Asian stars are so much more adorable, so much more queer-chic and pretty than American movie stars: you were being racist. If you have ever turned East Asia in your head into your own personal emasculated yaoi wonderland, you were being racist.Asian men are not your gay boyfriends that go with your handbag (and neither are gay men), they are not your pretty fetish objects -- they aren't any prettier than your own fucking men, nor any more androgynous. They don't exist for you to emasculate. They don't exist for you to idealize. They are not your fantasy boyfriends, they are not a badly-translated boys' love comic, they will not love you long time either and they will not love each other long time and they are not bishonen.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states asia asian white english.language fandom anime/manga stereotypes race interracial.relationship racism) - karaadora: IBARW: mixed race beauty - Jessica Szohr :: So, I'm a Gossip Girl fan and while everyone is going ga-ga over Blake, Leighton and Taylor, I've been fangirling something rotten over Jessica Szohr. A mixed race girl on a show I watch! Someone in the public eye that has a skin tone similar to mine! It's only taken 24 years! I've grown up with the expectation that I will never see myself even slightly represented in mainstream media, so the fact that Jessica is on a show like Gossip Girl, getting magazine covers and her stunning beauty being celebrated? It's a tiny, tiny bit of progress.
(tags: by.multiracial.people united.kingdom ibarw ibarw4 picspam multiracial african.american english.language tv beauty) - hermetic: my brother is a coconut :: He's the one who actively chose not to teach his children Spanish. The one who has told them, "You're not Mexican except on your college applications. When anyone asks, you're Irish."He's the one who made the conscious decision to separate his family in two. The one I've seen put on a mantle of privilege based on judging where he came from as less than. The one who really does think that when white people see his Irish wife and his light-skinned kids, they'll say "we always knew you weren't really Mexican--just look at your kids!" The one who firmly believes that by marrying white, he's married up, and is a better person for it. The one who is ashamed that our parents worked in the fields. The one that is ashamed to be Mexican.
(tags: internalized.racism ibarw4 ibarw by.poc united.states latina/latino mexican english.language race interracial.relationship culture identity immigration racism intraracial.relations ethnicity racial.uplift) - delux_vivens: So I realized I did have something to sa :: At this point? When it comes to the 'professional' scifi and fantasy fiction community, and its conventions? Don't save me a seat.I've been looking at readercon!fail and e***son!fail, and what disturbs me way more than the actual incidents is the massing of defenders/apologists for the fail and the people who manifest it. And it *keeps* happening, over and over and over again. January's racefail keeps breeding like tribbles.I've *already* had the joyful experience of newly minted integration in grade school. Why the hell am I supposed to want to do this again as an adult at cons at my own cost? Why am I supposed to want to spend time with 'community' that wallows in the past century's tired trappings of supremacy at the same time so many people warble how special they are for being rilly rilly rilly smart and dreaming up new worlds?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states black african.american english.language readercon racism racefail09) - Ethical Dating: Racist Interracial Relationships and Colorism « A Mixedjewgirl World :: Although I often date interracially, I have never been under the illusion that interracial relationships were somehow more enlightened than intraracial relationships. This assertion was underscored by a recent experience of an acquaintance. This person of color decided to have an intimate relationship with a white person at the pretense that they would be married, and he left her because “he couldn’t marry someone black.”
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rosefox: "If we do nothing while injustice abounds, we become unjust." (IBARW, day 2) :: Today idiomagic wrote a post that I am going to quote in full, with no cut tag, because Fayah's letter deserves a wider audience. The only way we can fight back against this disgustingly common notion of Iran's protesters as "just some crazy Muslims over thataway somewhere" is to see them as people, real people, with real dreams and plans and lives, with real dedication to fixing their broken country any way they can, even if that means dying for their cause.If you share this around, please be sure to attribute it to idiomagic, not to me; and most importantly, make sure Fayah gets credit for her words, and for her brave actions.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states middle.eastern iranian recommended.reading english.language racism)- hermetic: my America :: My America is a thousand peoples, a myriad tongues, a full spectrum of colors.My America is corn, and apples baked in pies, the injera I had with lentils last week, and the sushi I eat on my birthdays, ice cream, arroz con leche, and pizza both Chicago and New York, hot samosas, and pot roast, candied yams, and fried tofu with bok choy.
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rosefox: "Consider and respect these principles" (IBARW, day 1.5) :: Today I came into possession of a copy of A Stitch of One's Own, a nifty little knitting starter set. It's unopened and looks pretty neat. I was going to find some would-be knitter to give it to, but I'd rather put it up for a good cause. If you want it, make a donation of some whole multiple of $5 to the Carl Brandon Society at any point between now and the end of [info -] ibarw and then email a copy of your donation receipt to rosefox@lj. For every $5 you donate, you get a virtual raffle ticket (by which I mean your name goes in a box on a spreadsheet). At the end of the week, I will use some online random number generator to pick a winner. Feel free to donate even if you don't want to learn to knit; you can always find a good way to pass along the kit.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states english.language)- tielan: IBARW: a little less patience, a little more attitude :: Did race make a difference in the treatment of Henry Gates? You bet it did. It may not have been as explicit as them thinking 'black man = trouble' - it might have been something as small as the cops having less tolerance for the frustration and anger of a black man over what was a misunderstanding - as well as a black man having more baggage to carry about being thought to be an intruder into his own house, even after providing ID.But having less tolerance for the frustration and anger of non-whites is one of the symptoms of the ingrained racial bias that stains every interaction between human beings of any and every skin shade - even from POC to POC.
(tags: by.poc black united.states english.language ibarw ibarw4 discourse internalized.racism) - imperial_artist: IBARW 4: Specifying your ‘others’ :: Unfortunately, non-Orientals seem to like to tell me their misassumption, repeatedly. I’ve no idea weather this is due to their being thrilled at the idea that they’ve identified another ethnicity or because some part of their lower brain pings at the mixture of physical traits so they feel the need to get clarity for their own peace of mind. Whatever the reason it’s never approached diplomatically. I’m not asked: I’m told. I’ve had people strike up conversations where they kept talking about what they thought was my country of origin, asking me to clarify some point about it that I as a native ought to know, I’ve had people ask me what said country they’ve assigned to me is like or how I managed adapt to living here (I’m British born and raised btw), I’ve had people ask what specific word would be in ‘my’ language, I’ve even on one occasion had someone approach me sprouting the language they had decided was my mothertongue (English is my first language just so you know).
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oyceter: Wiscon 33: My Wiscon :: The women I grew up with-my mother, my grandmothers, my aunties-gave me many things, but they did not give me the tools to deal with issues of social justice. And although I love them dearly, the models they have to offer aren't very radical. I think it's pretty sad that it took me going to Wiscon, which is mostly white, to find other women of color whom I looked up to as role models, but that's what happened. And I'm grateful that even though the initial connections I made with people were online or at Wiscon, they have been moving offline and outside the con. I'm glad I've been able to talk with more people locally, to have discussions in email and on the phone and in person so I can work through things without having random white passerbys ogling at my mental processes.
(tags: by.poc ibarw ibarw4 united.states women.of.color english.language)- smallcaps: Ake, ake, kia kaha e :: Ki ōku nei whakaaro, in my opinion, one of the most important figures in NZ-Aotearoa history is Sir Āpirana Ngata (1874 - 1950). He was a lawyer, a politician, an academic, and a staunch advocate of Māori advancement.During World War I, Āpirana Ngata was heavily involved in recruiting Māori volunteers for the New Zealand Army. That Pioneer Battalion though was pretty much limited to trench-digging and support roles. In the lead-up to World War II, he advocated for the formation of an all-Māori frontline unit. The Government finally agreed although they insisted on Pākehā in key roles, at least at first.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people new.zealand first.nations māori english.language history) - chomiji: Boosting the Signal: Voices from IBARW 4 (part 1) :: Extracts from the IBARW 4 bookmarks at Delicious.
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wingstodust: Annoucement of IBARW :: I will be making my posts for IBARW, starting with the cover!controversy of Larbalestier's Liar. However, for now, I'll just link up something from AngryAsianMan.Com that sparked my interest as a Asian Drama fan: Korean Dramas Will Reunify the Peninsula. Never underestimate the power of the Hallyu Wave! *nods*
(tags: by.poc ibarw ibarw4 canada asian malaysian.chinese english.language recommended.reading korean)- cafenowhere: International Blog Against Racism Week, 1 :: Lately when I think about racism, I think about how the men in my life (Latino) have had to deal with it. It's the men I hear about it from. Do Latinas not complain about it as much (or at least not to me?), do they not experience it as much, do they not recognize it when it happens to them, or do they simply attribute it to something else? Are we better at assimilating, at deflecting negative attention, do we more effectively employ social skills to skim past overtly racist behavior, or...what?
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torches: so! IBARW has started. :: Give me the name of a character of color and I will draw them. If you have a preference for hairstyle and costume, all I ask is that you provide me with pictorial reference so I get it right. I am, because of the theme, specifically looking for CoC who don't live/weren't born in the US; however, I'll draw anyone.
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skibbley: I see it is International Blog Against Racism Week again. :: There are some gross things I don't want to be doing - such as assuming someone will be into a particular sexual activity or won't be because of how they look. I don't want to be too distracted by attraction to treat people too differently in a non-sexual situation. If I notice someone as unusual and interesting because they are from a group I don't often see I don't want to keep them as an exotic pet in my mind if we are getting to know one another.So, should I be recruiting under-respresented groups into my sexual fantasies?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language white by.white.people interracial.relationship sexuality united.kingdom tokenism)- Curious.Judith » Blog Archive » International Blog Against Racism Week :: I don’t think i’ll make it up to the city to for the author Vanessa Julye’s reading of her new book Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship: Quakers, African Americans, and the Myth of Racial Justice (co-authored by Donna McDaniel), but i’ll order it. It’s a step for me to confronting my spiritual and religious community’s choices.
(tags: by.white.people white religion ibarw ibarw4 united.states english.language) - cathschaffstump: Today’s Interesting Post :: Here' today's interesting post: a letter concerning recent events from the Carl Brandon Society. Read it, think about it, reflect upon it. Papers are 2-3 pages, and are due Friday.
(tags: by.white.people white ibarw ibarw4 english.language united.states recommended.reading) - JQP in Brief « The view across the bar. :: It may prove a strategic error for the Cambridge PD to have shown their collective asses right at the start of Blog Against Racism week. It practically guaranteed them the spotlight as “offenders of the week” at a time when thousands of honourable people were looking for a bigot to pillory. On the other hand, I didn’t even know it was IBARW until Jennie Rigg mentioned it: hat duly tipped.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw racism united.states religion muslim by.white.people united.kingdom afghanistan english.language) - Jim C. Hines » Thinking About Freedom of Speech :: Let’s start with the PC part. I’m not sure when “Politically Correct” turned into such a ridiculous phrase. The belief seems to be that, in order to be truly politically correct, I must immediately go through my goblin books, rewriting the goblins as hygienically impaired, height challenged creatures with alternative dietary habits. (Actually, now I want to write a story about Veka demanding that the rest of the world describe her as a goblyn, but that’s a tangent.) The point is, people have waved their wands and cast reductio ad absurdium on the whole concept. We’ve turned it into a joke (perhaps because then it’s easier to ignore it, and we don’t have to actually do anything?)
(tags: by.white.people ibarw ibarw4 united.states white racism english.language political.correctness) - It’s International Blog Against Racism Week « The Feminist Texican :: Just found out about this today:
(tags: by.poc latina/latino united.states english.language ibarw ibarw4 announcement.only) - horace_hamster: IBARW :: I'm listening and reading and trying to learn. Thanks to all the people who post their experiences, their advice, their do's and do-not's. It helps.I'd appreciate novel recommendations. I'm sadly aware that most of the books on my shelves are by white authors featuring white characters. I'd like to expand my reading, so if anyone can suggest books by AoC and/or with CoC that they've found to be enjoyable reads, I'd be grateful.
(tags: by.white.people ibarw ibarw4 white english.language books united.states) - swan_tower: Measuring a drop in a bucket :: But along come the filmmakers with their live-action movie, and suddenly not only is the whole cast white, they're committing cultural blunders right left and center, like telling people to show up for casting calls in their "traditional cultural ethnic attire. If you're Korean, wear a kimono." Well, they backpedaled a little to cast some brown people, like that nice boy from Slumdog Millionaire since everybody likes him, right . . . only last I heard, that nice boy and all the other non-white actors are playing members of the Fire Nation. Who are, y'know, the enemy.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 white.washing united.states avatar media.(mis)representation english.language by.white.people) - sweet_adelheid: [IBARW] Announcement and Ecumenical responses to the NT Intervention :: Prior to the 2007 Election, the Howard Government began an "intervention" into Indigenous Communities in the Northern Territory. It was supposedly in response to levels of child abuse found in some communities, but used a "one size fits all" approach, and implemented draconian measures such as income "quarantining", getting rid of the permit system in NE Arnhemland, and other bizarre actions that would not be accepted by any other segment of the Australian community without utter uproar and outrage.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people white indigenous.australians australia english.language) - Sparkymonster: [IBARW] Identity and Being a Person of Color :: My identity is based on stories, food, shared experiences, and all the things that make up culture. It's also really *specific*. It's about being a black woman who lives in a city, but isn't "urban" in the sense of living in a city that is a center of black culture (i.e. Atlanta, D.C., NYC, Oakland, etc.). My identity isn't Southern, or Southern inflected. It's rooted in certain strains of intellectualism, and influenced by ideas of uplift and the talented tenth (with more problematizing of those ideas as I mature). It's about progressive politics, not Jack and Jill clubs. My identity is not influenced by the church, or by having a lot of church people in my life. It is also influenced by having a white non-American mother, and family who are accepting of all that means.
(tags: by.poc ibarw ibarw4 black african.american english.language identity intraracial.relations) - Another Blogger Against Racism :: Since I've been fortunate to work in nonprofits that consider themselves racial justice organizations--although I struggle to discretely define what that term means exactly--I will use my airtime to point you towards a few of my favorite racial justice groups.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc latina/latino english.language united.states social.justice) - Cages, Vick, and Cherry " Vegans of Color :: The nail in the coffin for Vick was of course his abuse (murder/torture) of animals that Good people cuddled with, instead of the numerous animals that most of americans are cool with killing for pleasure (meat tasting so good and all). It was, of course, many of my fellow herbivores who went nuts with the racialized and brutal imagery.A 17 year old Black girl from the Bronx is going to jail. She did a horrible thing: baking a cat (yet again if only it had been a chicken). Everyone really dislikes her because Cherry also isn’t remorseful. Do I find it strange that a woman from Levittown would travel to the Bronx to watch a Black person (”monster”) sentenced to prison as if it were an event for celebration. Nope, it actually seems quite in character.
(tags: by.poc united.states black african.american ibarw ibarw4 english.language racism) - mllesays: ibarw: art and media recs i :: So instead of talking at you, I thought it would be fun to do a series of recommendations - art, literature, films, and whatever else - all from non-white, non-European cultures, artists, filmmakers, etc. Because it's not about me, or my voice, and all I really want to do is channel the focus back to the primary source material.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people japan white asian english.language movies books.nonfiction books.fiction) - carenejeans: International Blog Against Racism Week - Poem by Pat Parker :: I don't think I need to say much about this poem. It's about as clear as it gets. Just -- if you're a white person who wants to know how to be friends with people of color -- you might take the first two lines and write them in indelible ink on your brain.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states black african.american english.language interracial.relationship poetry) - alanajoli: Link Soup! :: The argument from the publisher is that the narrator lies about everything -- why would you believe her about her race? This is not holding much weight with fans, and Larbalestier said it undermined a lot of her intent with the story.
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yasaman: And This Is Why I'm Just Going to Watch Little Mosque on the Prairie Now :: I am an Afghan-American woman who is keenly aware of my privileges here in the United States as a young, middle-class, educated woman who passes for white. My family left Afghanistan by the skin of their teeth, and there are not so many what-ifs and may-have-beens separating me from being a woman facing the possibility of being stoned to death. So a joke about what happens to Afghan women in the war-torn, still Taliban-influenced country of my people is so far from fucking funny, I can't even. That one little joke threw me out of the movie like I'd been catapulted out with extreme prejudice because my experiences and my knowledge and my ethnicity made it personal. I couldn't keep watching the movie because I'd just been reminded, glaringly, THIS MOVIE IS NOT FOR YOU. YOU MIGHT AS WELL NOT EXIST AS AN AUDIENCE MEMBER, BECAUSE WE TOTES DID NOT EVEN CONSIDER HOW THIS JOKE MIGHT FLY FOR AFGHANS OR MUSLIMS IN THE AUDIENCE, AND WE DO NOT CARE.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.multiracial.people united.states middle.eastern afghanistan afghan-american english.language)
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