Behind the cut are IBARW posts collected on
Delicious in the last 24 hours (
more details).
- vulgarweed: Not a coconut or an oreo: rather, I'm a white chocolate truffle. :: I am mixed and I'm proud of that. My mother is an adventurer like Indiana Jones who used to fangirl Cicho Buarque and Caetano Veloso as a pretty teen (I inherited her silver elbow-length Edie Sedgwick gloves): when she was just a teenager, she left her home continent to go to college far away. When she was there, she met a handsome white boy who wanted to go sit in fire towers in the US West like his hero Jack Kerouac (I still have some of his very old black turtlenecks and Park Service uniform shirts). They had an INS shotgun wedding. I was conceived on the honeymoon.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 personal by.multiracial.people by.poc united.states white multiracial latina/latino english.language white.privilege invisibility) - Anacrusis › Kaijuville :: “Next on the agenda,” says Iolaus, “the proposed ballot measure to implement quotas on non-kaiju residents in federal housing.”
(tags: fiction english.language reverse.racism) - fabrisse: IBARW: Romance Novels :: Within the library there is an entire section devoted to romance novels aimed at African American women. This is not a small part of my little library. I'd say it takes up nearly a fifth of the overall shelf space....So why is it, when I go to my downtown Borders Bookstore, these books are relegated to a small section between the more conventional (i.e. white) romance novels and the bargain section?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 black united.states english.language books books.fiction books.romance institutional.racism marketing)
torches: IBARW requests, day 3 :: Drawings, as requested, of Lala Gonzalez (School Rumble) and Shilo Norman (DC Comics' Mr. Miracle).
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 fandom art)
torches: IBARW requests, day 2 :: Drawings, as requested, of Beatriz da Costa/Fire (DC Comics) and Blaise Zabini (Harry Potter).
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 fandom art)
torches: IBARW requests, day 1 :: Drawings, as requested, of Lalah Sune (Mobile Suit Gundam) and Shuuichi Nitori (Hourou Musuko).
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 art fandom anime/manga)- lady_ganesh: Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology (IBARW continues!) :: Secret Identies is a deliberate project, spawned by some conversations about how many Asian creators write and draw superhero comics and how few Asian superheroes existed. Secret Identities was created to fill in the gap, and it does a remarkably good job.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 book.recs asian english.language books comics books.fiction)
wistfuljane: How to be culturally and racially insensitive 101: The Last Airbender :: 1. Make a live-action adaptation of an Asian and Inuits based and influenced cartoon series, retaining all the references to said Asian and Inuits culture, but cast white actors and actresses for the main (explicitly depicted) hero and heroines of the series. 2. Develop a manga adaptation based on said live-action adaptation.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language avatar racebending media.(mis)representation cultural.appropriation)- mllesays: ibarw: art and media recs ii :: Today doesn't have a theme, but the stuff here is African-American, Gullah, Haitian, and Dominican American.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 play.recs poetry video.recs english.language book.recs links) - ethrosdemon: I am not picking on you. Just to get that out of the way. :: Has it ever occurred to you that all those family traditions about your Cherokee (always) great great grandmother actually are an oral tradition of rape?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states american.indian white english.language genocide rape power social.justice) - moniquill: IBARW Offering: Steampunk! :: For the uninitiated, Steampunk as defined by Tv Tropes: Retro-style Speculative Fiction set in periods where steam power is king. Very often this will be in an Alternate Universe where the internal combustion engine never displaced the steam engine, and as a result all manner of cool steam-driven technologies have emerged, ranging from the plausible to Magitek with a Hollywood Science Hand Wave. Sometimes combined with the work of Charles Babbage on mechanical computers to produce a kind of retro Cyber Punk set entirely in the Victorian era or a close analogue, minus the exploitation.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 links mammothfail steampunk fandom alternate.history united.states american.indian black white first.nations english.language sf/f representation institutional.racism) - sparkymonster: [IBARW] YA Books with People of Color & White Washed Covers :: I sat down to write a post with recommendations for YA books with people of color in them, but there is no way I can talk about that, without letting you all know about how Justine Larbalestier's publisher whitewashed the cover of her latest YA book. The protagonist of the book is a black teenager who wears her hair natural in a short kinky/coily afro. The cover photo shows a photograph of the protagonist...and she's white with long straight hair. AMAZING. By which I mean of course I want to vomit all over the place. The author is pissed off. The publisher is..claiming this is all part of a cunning plan.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 book.recs white.washing english.language books books.ya liar representation) - ethrosdemon: This isn't going to be as eloquent as usual :: ... a lot of people think of the removal of native peoples and the native genocide as something that happened Back Then. You probably learned about the Trail of Tears and the Indian Wars in school, and in your mind the events are sepia toned and something to feel bad about when you even take the time to remember it, but it's all over and done with, too bad and all, but it was a long time ago. There really aren't any Indians left and those ones who are live somewhere else, on reservations or like in Alaska or something, right?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states american.indian english.language history media.(mis)representation education colonialism genocide first.nations) - vidderkidder: The Brother of a Different Color :: Bruce Lee is a name with global impact and beyond what he is famous for through his film career he lead of life that is just as amazing as the action in his movies. The respect his name engenders goes beyond ethnic boundaries. This is something that is evident early in his life. He used his rebelliousness to practice inclusion early even before he became a household name.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 video.recs by.poc united.states asia english.language chinese hong.kong tv movies green.hornet bruce.lee) - Asian Women Carnival :: This carnival is intended to focus on Asian women. The definition of Asian, within the scope of this carnival, includes people from East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Asia, Southeast Asia, Far East, Middle East, Near East and people of Asian descent living in non-majority Asian countries. The definition of women, within the scope of this carnival, includes transwomen and cisgendered women.
(tags: asian women.of.color carnival links) - yennenga: Welcome to the Women of Color and Beauty Carnival. :: Women of color are conspicuously absent from mainstream media, despite the growing diversity of audiences in the US and the globalization of the media content market. When they do appear, it is often in a form which bears little or no resemblance to their appearance in nature. Fairness creams run amok in developing countries, frequently leaving a trail of permanent facial scarring, liver damage, and general trauma in their wake.
(tags: carnival links women.of.color beauty) - ladyjax: The POC in SF Carnival #8: Intra-Racial Dialogues - What Lies Between Us :: I decided to focus this month's carnival on the relationships that PoC have with one another. Why? Because, we have issues and history with both within our communities of origin and without that sometimes spill over into the cross-cultural homes that we try to create. Those same issues are even hyped up (ever so wrongly) by an uninformed media. In other words, we've got some stuff to talk about. We can buy into bad or try and work through and support each other to the best of our ability in the process.
(tags: carnival links english.language)
oyceter: IBARW 4: On knowledge and knowing and audience :: And those who are most often given that blanket right to know are usually those who most often exercise the right to not know. You see it in the recent Avatar fail, but also in the way common and hidden knowledge plays out, in the way so many histories and stories are not lost, but deliberately destroyed or written out. You see it in how bits and pieces of culture are taken and assimilated, and how people using those pieces of culture do so with the assumption that they now know that entire culture. And when this lack of knowledge is combined with the belief in the right to know, we end up with people demanding explanations again and again, the repeated requests for academics to get into locked spaces so they can observe their subjects in the wild, the simultaneous asking for education even as the askers are hard at work denying all the answers they are given, with so many people wanting access without making ties to communities, without putting in any work.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc academia ignorance united.states english.language)- drachin8: IBARW: Saying Nothing is Saying Something (Not in a Good Way) :: You're saying it's easier to ignore the disease than it is to confront it. That it's easier to close your eyes than risk being wrong. So, dangit, say something. Anything. Maybe it will be stupid, maybe it will be wrong, but how can you know unless you open up a discussion. Ignoring the disease doesn't make it go away. Knowledge is power. Awareness is power.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 meta by.white.people english.language black first.experiences fandom activism) - silk_noir: International Blog Against Racism Week :: One of the problems with racism in this country as that we're looking at a system--a scaffolding, if you will--that keeps prejudice in place. If you are white in America, the system favors you, whether it's the legal system or the media system. You may be Irish, and you may know how your forbears in this country were treated, but you also have been able to reap the benefits of the system of prejudice in this country.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw racism.101 by.white.people united.states white english.language white.privilege irish institutional.racism) - Richard Bernstein's The East, the West, and Sex. - By Johann Hari - Slate Magazine :: The porn of the Western world is saturated with the belief that Eastern women are more sexy and sultry and slutty. The most googled brand in the porn world is "Asian Babes." The very phrase evokes legions of solitary sweaty teenage boys in basements across America and Europe. But this stereotype did not emerge with the World Wide Web. It originated with worldwide empires. Suppressed beneath these casual flicks of the wrist, there are five centuries of colonial exploitation screaming to be heard.
(tags: orientalism reviews colonialism sexuality asia africa asian white english.language books books.nonfiction media.(mis)representation institutional.racism stereotypes) - ‘Luck’ - Ultrabrown :: Here’s the weird thing about this offhandedly racist movie: at the same time Luck and Fashion celebrate Chitrashi Rawat as a barrier-breaking actress with features like those from the Seven Sisters, it drops the shit further down the ladder by treating Africans like garbage.
(tags: reviews bollywood south.asian english.language black movies stereotypes media.(mis)representation institutional.racism)
wistfuljane: Five Picture Books Featuring a CoC or By a PoC I Read Recently That Made Me Happy :: Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks Inspired a Nation by Andrea Davis Pinkney and illustrated by Brian PinkneyHush, Little Baby by Brian PinkneyLissy's Friends, Olvina Flies, and The Ugly Vegetables by Grace Lin:
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw book.recs english.language books books.fiction books.children Straight Talk on Race: Challenging the Stereotypes in Kids' Books :: To sell more books, the main character may be portrayed on the cover as less foreign or “other” than he or she is in the actual story. Consider the advance readers’ copy of Ursula Le Guin’s Powers (Harcourt, 2007), released with a white model on the cover despite the protagonist’s Himalayan ancestry. The final cover art was more in line with the story, but the change raised the question of whether the original model had been selected for wider sales appeal.
(tags: english.language books books.ya white.washing stereotypes by.poc) - Judging Books & Their Covers at Feminist SF :: ... publishers believe that white F/SF fans cannot bring themselves to identify with a character of color. So they try to pull a bait-and-switch and hope that readers will either a) become connected to the character before they find out she’s not white or b) be too lazy to return the book to the store if they have a problem with the deception.
(tags: book.recs by.poc english.language books books.fiction books.ya white.washing)
coffeeandink: Proposal: Open Source Book Re-Covery Project :: Let's create a central repository for fan-created alternative covers for books. Covers with people of color on them. Covers with cool but not stereotypical designs. Covers that demonstrate the diversity and richness that's already inside the text, or that reimagine white texts as more diverse, male-dominated texts as more feminist. This project should be centered on race, but I personally think we should pay attention to other issues with mass media representations as well, particularly the misrepresentations of beauty, weight, age, and gender-queerness, and that we shouldn't leave out reimaginings that are just plain fun.
(tags: ibarw4 ibarw activism by.white.people english.language books books.fiction books.ya institutional.racism white.washing racebending art)
farside: Talking with family members :: In my head (clearly I am the dysfunctional one because I’m angry who just needs to get over it and she is the “better” child) I would then begin to try to explain that I have gone through a daunting process of unpacking my internalized racism and self hate, and that our mother was a contributor to this internalized hate/racism, not the sole cause.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 personal by.poc asian korean united.states english.language color.blindness assimilation)- unusualmusic: Retroactively IBARW: So that Pollan article inspired me to go looking for minority inclusive orgs. :: Lord are they hard to find.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 links by.poc environmentalism english.language activism) - unusualmusic: Retroactively IBARW: Fuck the World Bank :: Videos on water privatization schemes in Bolivia and India.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 video.recs by.poc india bolivia english.language riots money corporations) - unusualmusic: Retroactively IBARW: The Green Economy and people of colour/the poor: Part One :: Videos on grassroots efforts toward a Green Economy in the USA.
(tags: video.recs ibarw ibarw4 by.poc poverty class english.language activism united.states green.economy) - unusualmusic: IBARW...Coca Cola: Drinking death and destruction of POC :: "The coca cola factory ruined my life," despairs one farmer. Producing 0.33L of coke requires 1L of water. In some villages near cola factories, water levels have dropped by 60m. Harvests have fallen by more than 40% because there is not enough water to irrigate fields. But Coca-Cola denies all responsibility. "We are not the problem", states spokesman Rajiv Singh.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc india colombia guatemala english.language links colonialism food) - glass_icarus: IBARW: petition against Lou Dobbs :: From CNN's Lou Dobbs has been using his show to give life to conspiracy theories claiming President Obama wasn't born in the U.S. The question was put to rest long ago, but Dobbs is pretending that this extremist nonsense is a legitimate national conversation.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states by.poc african multiracial black english.language politics obama) - evilprodigy: [IBARW] Asian Spock and Other Mythical Creatures :: And yet I come to the same discovery over and over again: people love to dismiss the academic and professional achievements of Asian-Americans of every shape and size, and people especially love to dismiss it with the word logical. Or hard-working. Or any number of other words, and they all boil down to the same thing -- automaton. Robot. Time and time again white people dismiss the intelligence, the talent, the creativity of Asian people with these words...
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc asian english.language stereotypes model.minority.myth by.multiracial.people) - skogkatt: International Blog Against Racism Week: Liar cover edition :: Looking back, I knew all of that that when Justine first posted the American cover art for her forthcoming novel, Liar, I should have been surprised about the girl being white. But I wasn't. Justine seemed happy with the cover, and I thought it was a striking image, and a good cover, so why shouldn't she be happy? What I didn't know at the time -- what I didn't know until last week, actually -- is that the main character in Liar is black.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people black white english.language books books.ya institutional.racism white.washing liar) - hermetic: what my mom doesn't understand about growing up brown in a white world :: At heart, my lens is Californian, beyond Mexican or American: this particular insanity that is being born and raised here in California is my defining cultural lens.And growing up brown, growing up Mexican, in a culture that only acknowledged being primarily shaped by the white experience... well, that's different.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 personal by.poc united.states mexico californian latina/latino mexican english.language identity) - endlessland: International Blog Against Racism Week :: I know people who think that I'm overly serious about the issue. I know people who would laugh this post off, saying that it's okay for them to make racist jokes because they have African/Jewish/Asian/Romany friends, or that it's okay for them to make slurs because they "aren't racist".
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 racism.101 english.language)
forthwritten: "Where do you come from?" :: if you're white and from the UK, "where do you come from?" means simply that - where were you born, in which part of this island's earth are your roots? ... What they follow it up with is telling. I think one of the most annoying is "because your English is excellent".
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 personal by.poc united.kingdom english.language stereotypes language)- chomiji: Boosting the Signal: Voices from IBARW 4 (part 2) :: Extracts from the IBARW 4 bookmarks at Delicious
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 links)
littlebutfierce: ibarw: badass filipinos :: As an adult, I still find that many people's conceptions of the Philippines are hazy, often limited to images of mail-order brides or dog-eaters. There are Filipinos out there in art, culture, activism, politics--& there always were--but as during my childhood, they are still invisible to many people.... All that was a long prologue to essentially a link dump. I want this to serve as a reminder, to myself & to others, that we exist, that we have agency & creativity & beauty & yes, sometimes power. We can be badasses & be cool too!
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 visibility representation by.poc by.multiracial.people united.states philippines white multiracial filipino/filipina english.language activism books music history)- moominmolly: natalie, preschool, race, and self-tanner :: Last winter, Natalie found a bottle of self-tanning lotion in our bedroom, which I'd used once upon a time when making a pattern on [info]dilletante's back. She wanted to use some and asked about it, and I said no, it's not regular lotion and I'm not sure it's safe for kids. So she asked about what it was for, and this quickly turned into her PLEADING to put some on, and when I said, "no, I need to check on whether this is okay for kids or not", she HOWLED at me: "Let me put it on! I want to be black!"
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 personal by.white.people united.states black white asian english.language white.privilege education children) - apis-cerana: It's IBARW!!! Misconceptions about eyelid surgeries :: In online discussions, I've seen Asian women who were basically told to stop being so influenced by society, they're beautiful the way they are, etc -- all well-intentioned, of course, but ignoring what most Asian and Asian-American women go through which makes them go and get surgery because, of course, they have no idea what it's like to be Asian.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc united.states asia korea japan asian korean japanese east.asian english.language documentary chinese vietnamese feminism intersectionality activism fashion)
torches: IBARW: this is my life. this is a white lie. this is why you fight. :: It's not in the past, in history, where it can't touch anyone, and is only an ache like some people have when it rains; it's here, all around us, every day. It is all-pervasive, it is slick, it is larger than life and bigger than the Beatles.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people racism.101 united.states english.language white.privilege stereotypes)- takumashii: After Tupac and D Foster :: After Tupac and D Foster, by Jacqueline Woodson, is one of those quiet quiet books where almost nothing happens, and then suddenly I find myself in tears in the laundromat.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 book.recs reviews united.states english.language books books.fiction books.ya)
jonquil: IBARW: It's not the same :: Here's a conversation that happens a lot:POC: I am dealing with constant racism, and it really wears me down.Nice person: Oh! I really sympathize. Once I [walked into an all-black restaurant | got shouted at on the street | got discriminated against for being redheaded] and I get what it feels like.I've said this myself. I was trying to express sympathy: I can imagine how horrible your situation must be, because I've experienced a little of it myself. That's not how it's heard.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people english.language white.privilege)- Carl Brandon Society blog: Open Letter to the SF Community re: Ellison/Bradford Incident :: ... the Carl Brandon Society wishes to define some basic principles of discourse which were put into question as a result of this exchange. We hope community members will consider and respect these principles in future debates and disagreements.
(tags: fandom meta blogs by.poc black white english.language sf/f discourse language)
tablesaw: [ibarw] What, already? :: International Blog Against Racism Week has begun, and I am completely caught off guard.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 links carl.brandon.society english.language discourse meta)
tablesaw: [IBARW] GIP & FHA :: The extent to which "assimilation" is contingent on whiteness, or the acceptance of white supremacy, is rarely discussed during "melting pot" idealism.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states black white latina/latino europe irish mexican jewish english.language books books.nonfiction white.privilege discourse institutional.racism immigration housing racial.uplift)- glass_icarus: IBARW: people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :: Back in April, for Asian American Awareness Month, I had a post planned out about body image and the toll that multiple standards and conflicting expectations exact from Asian-American women. Today is still not the day for me to go into that discussion in detail, but a lot of it relates to the rant I've been (mostly) suppressing about the western media slant on the Beijing Olympics.I am still angry, you see, and even though I didn't agree with China's decisions with respect to their women's gymnastics team and the Opening Ceremonies voice-over, I was and am extremely offended by the way the western (US/European) media handled these topics.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states china asian chinese by.poc english.language tv stereotypes beauty olympics sizeism media.(mis)representation) - YouTube - Chaobunny's Guide to Casting Fail :: I promised to make it, and it's here. I present to you: my cynical criticism of the casting choices for The Last Airbender.
(tags: humor asian first.nations white english.language tv fandom movies avatar media.(mis)representation cultural.appropriation racebending) - sainfoin_fields: nothing new :: ... white feminists like me have frequently failed women of color.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people personal links united.states white jewish irish english.language representation intersectionality) - rawles: now that we've got that clear, and you know that i'm not here... :: This near total invisibility [of black women in media] is perhaps the very first thing that I think needs to be understood in any feminist discourse about Uhura, but it seems to be the last thing most people talk about. As a result, they start off from a deeply flawed premise.Uhura being single in TOS was not empowering.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc black english.language movies tv fandom star.trek feminism intersectionality interracial.relationship representation women.of.color sexuality sexism romance martin.luther.king)
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