Behind the cut are IBARW posts collected on
Delicious in the last 24 hours (
more details). [
Part Two]
- Adrienne Maree Brown: Ignore the Haters, Sierra Club!!: Open Letter to Allison Chin :: We understand that you can't just protect one little piece of land and think the birds and trees there will be safe, while everything else around it is destroyed in order to serve the needs of people who are constantly being told they need more of everything. We have been selling the entire world an American dream that is about material, instead of community. Now, we need to shift our priorities, and learn to live in community with each other. We need to all be on that message - not looking for easy, entrepreneurial solutions, but all of us taking the message to our communities that we have to evolve, we have to accept each other and protect each other, take leadership from each other and learn to live in new ways. That solution has to be leadership from every kind of people, in every kind of organization.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.multiracial.people united.states black african.american english.language environmentalism racism representation) - isitis: Racism Has An Excellent Memory :: This year I had the fortune to join my mother and aunt on vacation. Somehow we got on the subject of race and how weird that people are so vested in discovering our "ethnicity". People don't realize how rude and hurtful that can be. You feel like a sideshow display for all to see. It's like the trying to win the POC guessing game.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.states black african.american english.language race racism identity) - isitis: Being Black & Human :: "Learn about yourself and whatʼs around you/And you will learn about your past/And what your future will bring."
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.multiracial.people by.nonwhite.people united.states black african.american english.language poetry identity race color.blindness) - kate_nepveu: IBARW: This American Life on origin stories :: I have this backlog of This American Life podcasts that I'm working through, and today I listened to show #383, "Origin Story." It's all good, but the last act is relevant this week (and always, but): it starts at 48:45 and is about eight minutes long, and it's about a seven-year-old boy whose parents met in a refugee camp in Tanzania and who came with his family to the U.S. two years ago ....
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states race culture assimilation racism ethnicity adoption english.language institutional.racism) - shevellaine: FAQ: On being white with a black name. :: Questions received and asked concerning the poster's "black" name.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white english.language stereotypes) - Deepa D.: Nanhe Munne Bacche Teri Mutthi Mein Kya Hai... :: As Samit Basu said in 2006: As far as publicity for Indian children’s writing is concerned, the situation is fairly dismal - most publishers don’t put any significant amount of money in the promotion of their children’s titles, and while in an ideal world good work would find huge audiences simply by being good work, in this world most Indian children hungry to read more aren’t even aware of what’s good in new Indian children’s writing, while national news channels continue to flash updates every time JK Rowling sneezes.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people asian south.asian india book.recs books.ya white.washing books.children recommended.reading) - labellementeuse: ko te reo te taikura ō te whakaaro mārama. :: ...After the trickle of European settlement became a flood in the middle of the 19th century, the Māori population underwent a decline both numerically and culturally, through sickness, the progress of the Land Wars (plenty of Pākehā died there too, but there was a very high replacement rate of settlers arriving from Britain) and ultimately in the 20th century assimilation movements (including the traditional settlement tool of white people everywhere, "Don't speak your language in my school.") Urbanisation, particularly around the world wars, led to estrangement of Māori from their iwi; and so on, and so forth. A cultural revival started in the 1960s gave rise to things like the Waitangi Tribunal, kōhanga reo (language nests - exclusively te reo-speaking preschools). However, only a small number of New Zealanders speak te reo (about 4%).
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 new.zealand english.language maori.language language culture education) - silveronthetree: IBARW - Conversations with my Father (or finally a post that isn't entirely about Star Trek) :: Racial identity and racism are not things that I’ve talked about much because until late last year it wasn't something I thought about very often. Livejournal has definitely opened my eyes over the last year. And also I don't really know many people that (a) I would feel comfortable raising the subject with and (b) who are also persons of colour.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.multiracial.people by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.kingdom multiracial indian english.language racism interracial.relationship race discourse) - drachin8: IBARW: Saying Nothing is Saying Something (Not in a Good Way) :: ...We cannot close our eyes to a disease--and racism, whether overt or inadvertent, is a disease--and hope it magically goes away. We can't be so scared of saying something wrong, something offensive, that we never discuss the issue at all.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white english.language essay.recs race ignorance color.blindness racism) - IBARW :: I have always considered myself an ally, though I would never have used that term. I didn’t know that term. I knew people. Different colors of wonderful people. I liked them. They liked me. How utterly clueless of me.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people white art publishing english.language) - truepenny: IBARW :: ...I think it's important to understand that the opposite of privilege is not oppression. This is a frequently made and frequently unarticulated mistake that I think fuels a lot of the fear that keeps systemic, institutionalized racism operational, the belief that this is a zero-sum game. Which it isn't. The opposite of privilege--and the opposite of oppression--is equality.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white english.language privilege white.privilege institutional.racism) ![](
tablesaw: Another IBARW GIP :: During my lunch, I created this icon to accompany a post about Warehouse 13...
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 icons united.states)- jonquil: IBARW: It's not the same :: ...You got shouted at on the street once. You dealt with a few anti-ginger crazies. Unpleasant though that experience was, it's different from the grinding, constant reminders that you are Different, that you are Other, and that, too often, you are Wrong. Living as the object of racism is not at all like multiplying your single experience by 365 days.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states by.white.people white english.language white.privilege discourse race racism) - redbrunja: IBARW: My Two Cents :: I have heard in the past the saying that eventually we're all going to be the same shade of brown. Years ago I would nod my head. Now, that idea has a subtle horror.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 english.language links by.white.people united.states white culture diversity) - jtglover: IBARW: Signal Boosting Redux :: drachin8 linked to an essay by Nalo Hopkinson that you ought to check out if you've never seen it. "Looking for Clues" is an interesting read, especially for the way the author tracks her own growth in terms of literature and speculative fiction, and the relationship of both to her life and to issues of race.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states english.language essay.recs links) - noelia_g: IBARW: the WoC are awesome edition. :: So, it's the International Blogging Against Racism Week.And I should have thinky thoughts and wise words, but I really don't, so instead I'm going to post a list of the most awesome Women of Color from tv, movies, and books.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 picspam english.language tv by.white.people white women.of.color) - Writer Tamago: International Blog Against Racism Week: Book Recommendations :: Rather than writing a post about my feelings and this issue, I'm going to do something fairly educational. I'm going to recommend some books which I have taught over the years that are from authors whose background is not mine. Sometimes the authors handle the issues of racism seriously, and sometimes humorously. Occasionally they do both at the same time. All of the books I'm recommending are by authors from the ethnicity written about in the book.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 recommended.reading book.recs by.white.people united.states white english.language institutional.racism identity stereotypes class gender) - seeingred: Fer yer interest... :: The reason I blog this stuff is because learning about race and racism expands my understanding of the world - of history, politics, and people. It is, in short, pure self-interest, and I highly recommend it! :)
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people white english.language links) - silk_noir: Carl Brandon Society Open Letter :: The Carl Brandon Society has written an open letter with regards to the attack that Harlan Ellison made on K. Tempest Bradford.It posts an excerpt from Ellison's post, in which you can see a clear example of "What? I'm not a racist (but watch me say incredibly racist things)!" at work. If one accused Ellison of being a racist, no doubt his head would explode. We'd the gamut of denial, running from simple profane invective to "some of my best friends" to "I marched when" to "I'm Jewish, so I understand."
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 racism writing english.language) - Memoirs of a Storyteller: International Blog Against Racism Week :: Racism isn't just thinking of other human beings as inferior.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people discourse stereotypes racism english.language) ![](
whump: IBARW/Second Life/Worldcon Crossover Post :: Outlining the show "TimeTravelerTM" ("a series of short movies about an angry young Mohawk man living in 2121 who uses a new technology to observe and participate in historical events") and the "Skins" project (a "series of workshops designed to teach 'Storytelling in Cyberspace' to Aboriginal youth").
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 video.recs english.language movies)- logovo1: Contra el Racismo :: La comunidad [info]ibarw, o Semana Internacional de Blogear Contra el Racismo, inicio el 27 de julio. No he leído tantos posts como quisiera, pero aquí van dos que me interesaron.
(tags: estados.unidos lectura.recomendada ibarw ibarw4 united.states links recommended.reading spanish.language lenguaje.español) - mllesays: ibarw: art and media recs iii :: Today's theme is Latin America (though I'll be the first to admit this post barely scratches the surface).
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 poetry recommended.reading book.recs english.language spanish.language lenguaje.español movies latina/latino) - popelizbet: [ibarw] [help] Help Oyate.Org :: "Oyate is a Native organization working to see that our lives and histories are portrayed honestly, and so that all people will know our stories belong to us. For Indian children, it is as important as it has ever been for them to know who they are and what they come from. For all children, it is time to know and acknowledge the truths of history. Only then will they come to have the understanding and respect for each other that now, more than ever, will be necessary for life to continue."
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states culture fundraising english.language) ![](
wingstodust: IBARW: Liar Cover, and My Beef With It :: The cover!controversy has been talked about quite a bit in IBARW and all around the web so I’m going to be brief. Let this be clear: I am so angry at this. It is yet another instance of white-washing novel!covers, a disgusting trend in book publishing trend that HAS TO STOP NOW.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.states asian chinese english.language white.privilege race publishing white.washing)- tanyahp: International Blog Against Racism Week :: Having just attended the bi-racial wedding of a friend in Seattle, I can say with certainty that America has made tremendous strides in anti-racist legislation and also that there is still tremendous prejudice and ignorance in America.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 united.states english.language interracial.relationship racism) - lynstraine: teaching and race; briefly, writing and race :: As you all know, I live in the South, with a capital S. In fact, I live in Memphis, Tennessee, and I have to be honest: in my opinion, if you haven't spend time in Memphis (or in any of its nearby and similar cities), then you don't have a full picture of racial tensions in the United States. You just don't. Racial tension is thick on the ground in this city, primarily between blacks and whites. I remember an incident some years ago when a black family moved onto my street and they had a burning pile of dog shit left on their porch. No joke, people.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white english.language education discourse immigration race writing) - Arachne Jericho: A Funny Thing Happened to Me at the Grocery Store the Other Day :: ...I was reminded, once again, that part of who I am-and indeed a large part of who I am to others in this great country I love-is Asian. Or at least, “Asian”, as in this kind of yellow people miasma that occupies the media and entertainment.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.states asian vietnamese english.language white.privilege stereotypes media.(mis)representation racism identity ethnicity) - N.K. Jemisin: Describing Characters of Color, pt. 2 :: I’m a Harry Potter fan, if you haven’t guessed it by now from my repeated references. I’m such a fan that initially I only wanted the British versions of the books, so the first one I read was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I did this because I found it suspect that the publisher had changed the name for the US release to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, completely ignoring the alchemical history that the original title evoked. If they were going to change something like that, I reasoned, who knew what else they would change?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.states black african.american english.language books harry.potter race representation white.privilege writing) - IBARW requests, day 4 :: Drawings, as requested, of Dutch (Black Lagoon) and Noguchi Machiko (Alien vs. Predator).
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 fandom art english.language) - fabrisse: IBARW: White Privilege :: Let me start this by saying, I'm 5'2" (about 164 cm for those of you who are metric), blue eyed, and white. I went to boarding school, for heaven's sake. There's not much more white privilege I can have.I think I have the Ur-example of white privilege to give you all.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.white.people united.states white english.language race white.privilege stereotypes institutional.racism racism employment ignorance) - lady_ganesh: Kazyua Minekura, Saiyuki (more IBARW!) :: Once upon a time, oh Best Beloveds, there was a baby. And this baby, due to a complicated series of circumstances we won't get into right now, got put into a basket and sent floating on a great river. So great was this river that it gave life to the people and towns around it for many miles, and so it held the little boy (for a little boy it was) as he went floating off.
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 recommended.reading anime/manga english.language) - hermetic: umpa umpa or oompa oompa?--whatever, I love polka! :: I'm feeling a bit drained from the last two essays I wrote, so how about a little fluff?
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.states mexican english.language music history) - darkfloweruk: IBAR :: ...Being homeless and a black woman brings up a whole lot of problems. I stayed on people's floors until they got fed up, or I got sick (I was sick a lot as a result of the violence/abuse I was fleeing). I felt like I was imposing anyway, so I never stayed long. I always used to look at bus shelters, and wonder if I would be there that night. ...
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.nonwhite.people united.kingdom black english.language race stereotypes discrimination identity racism ![](
thistleingrey: thoughts for a grey thursday :: I'm working from home today, prior to visiting the chiropractor, and I've just wasted fifteen minutes trying to decide which book to bring for the long round trip on public transit because most of what I'm reading belongs to the East Asian Studies self-educational jag. I have had enough of strangers interrupting me and asking, "Are you [Chinese / Korean / Japanese / whatever matches the book title]?" ...
(tags: ibarw ibarw4 by.poc by.multiracial.people by.nonwhite.people united.states asian english.language race identity stereotypes)
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