Links for Monday, July 27

Jul 27, 2009 00:13

Please let us know if you have a post for IBARW here!

Or you can add the IBARW Delicious account to your Delicious network and tag links for us there using the "for: ibarw" tag.

There will be a new link gathering post each day to help us spread out the labor of posting links.

You are free to use your own timezone's Monday; each link compiler is responsible for a specific post and will grab things on that post.

It will help a lot on Delicious if you title your entry something topical, as opposed to just "Intl. Blog Against Racism Week."

Also, link gatherers go through and collect all posts mentioning IBARW; if you do not want your post included in the daily link gatherings, please make a note on your post and we will respect your wishes.

If your entry has been tagged wrong, I apologize! Please comment here, and I'll go through and fix stuff.

links, ibarw 04

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