Well! Spent an awful lot of pennies on this laptop this morning and it's VERY fun. I just realised it as a camera built in. Alot like a phone . . . and it talks! So . . . It will be worth it when I'm on the breadline eh
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Well! Most certainly not moving to Wales. Nicer as a holiday home. Need Northerness. ERRRRM Working all the time. As ever. Can make most cocktails now. Wahey! Geoff is VERY well. Doing well at work. We're looking for a house. I hope everyone is well. Miss you all! Muchos lovos. XxXxXxX
Hey. I have made it friends only. No real reason, if you want to read it but can't just say or comment. Whatever. I know there's already two entries, but they arn't overly weird. Ica x