I don't remember the last time I was so confused. Not even torn...just pulled apart and there's not enough substance in me to back any feeling thought or thing
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So he tells me he thinks he's a good person becuase if someone called him in distress, he'd help them out. No. I think that makes you an average person. A good person would be there even when they didn't have to be. Or at the very least when they said they would. He's not that person.
I feel like a lion who was shot...or something less beautiful than that probably. I shouldn't have let my life regress so much. It really has been like this for quite some time though, so I don't know why I'm choosing now to feel bad about it. I dont want to redeem myself anymore and I don't want others to do it either. It doesn't even matter in
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i think i've run out of every arrested development, the office, and olde english episode online there is. I just don't know what to do with myself. Perhaps pole vaulting?
as samuel l jackson would say "fuck these mother fucking" eye-patch(es) "on this mother fucking" erica. my eye is towards its final days of swelling but i think i have caused irreversible damage. it is a lazy eye now because whenever i take the patch off I am incredibly dizzy and have even worse sight and depth perception.
"i'm going back to the place i was born my favorite hood hallelujah! i believe i've found what i came here for i used to roam the streets on skateboards with cheap beer a little punk hallelujah!"
"Chinese archaeologists studying ancient rock carvings say they have evidence that modern Chinese script is thousands of years older than previously thought
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