So, it's been a real, real long time since I've had a real update that consisted of anything more than me being happy about Los Angeles
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Hey! What about me coming to LA?!?! Because I'm coming - don't think I'm not. And I'm bringing Alyssa and MEG (she's coming now!) and Katie and we're coming for a week! Which is good because yes we'll be friends forever and not seeing each other for a year won't change that and blah blah blah, but I MISS YOU DAMN IT and I have to see you soon!! By soon, I mean October. Fall Break - I can't wait!!
Oh yeah, by the way, I don't really get a fall break so I'll still have classes and interning while you're there but that means you can go out and explore LA, or just sit by the beach if its nice enough out. Miss you!!
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