in the end raw un edit ed, star dust This is exi(s) t (ence), see in my view I live elusive ly , and certain ly some let ters m(o/u)st be emphasized when (before?) they are written A joke, I make is simply beingdasein
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Once stepping upon the tread of shoe, my first steps echoed into the ears of a vast world. My breath toppled mountain, house and highway. I lied to the wind and it blew me off. I ate men with no regard for life or human frailty. Fists I furiously shook at tribunals convened in my wake. My growl was the combination of all animal noises, and heralded
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I want to spend Saturdays sucking the cock of, with great care and attention, any man who by wanders. My offer is: "I'll blow you, if you promise to come in my mouth." So enticing is my offer, that I end clauses* prepositions *with
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Why does the colloquialism "Idonno" contain so much of and sound so much like the word Idunna? I'd rather place Let it Be upon the turntable, watching eternity turn by, than be unsure
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