Title: Our Stars Scattered Like Dust (11/11)
icedteainthebag and
wishflsinflCharacters/pairings: Adama/Roslin, Kara/Lee, Gaius/Caprica, other assorted affairs, ensemble cast
Rating: MA (graphic sex)
Warnings: AU, Character death
Spoilers: through Daybreak
Summary: As the new bartender on the cruise ship Galactica Bill Adama is hoping for an uneventful first voyage
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Comments 49
You know, I read the warning from the first chapter but I totally disregarded it because it didn't fit the tone at all.
You guys really did a great job with this and all the parallels. But right now I have to go cry.
Sorry we killed your man. So happy you read it. Thanks for taking the time.
I'm glad you read this and mostly enjoyed it.
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icedteainthebag knows how to bring the hurt.
This is a premise that I would NEVER normally have gone for, but because it was you & I'm in a BSG kick, I gave it a whirl.
I really enjoyed this. I'm normally very iffy about AU but it just worked. There was just enough of Bill in Laura and vice versa (character wise, though of course the frakking was a bonus lol) to make it a really interesting departure. So many AU fics either slap the character names on entirely random personalities or insert the show's character into a place and situation where they just don't belong and don't fit. Everyone here worked for me though; they were either different enough to make sense where they were or hilariously the same. Oh Gaius. :p
It was the right balance of crack and actual substance though. I had a bit of an "Are those sharks with laser beams?" moment when the raider!sharks appeared - tell me that was a little bit Austin Powers inspired? ;) I loved all the random elements - especially the song. ( ... )
Also, true confession icedteainthebag and I aren't huge fans of AUs either, so it's a little crazy that we just wrote something so insanely AU. I'm so glad it worked for you, especially since you aren't usually into AUs.
Sorry about the bummer of the ending. It just felt right but it did really depress me to write it.
The Raider Sharks weren't Austin Powers inspired, I swear! I was tryin to think of the nautical equivalent of Raiders and it just happened...
Heading to naughty corner now. It's where I hang out most days anyway. I have a special seat there.
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