Personal Questions And Stupid Answers pt 4

Dec 18, 2012 11:22


Set of 40/100

031) Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?

032) How Do You Feel About Breastfeeding And Formula?
It's dangerous for babies and should only be used if the mother doesn't have her own milk to give or find another person to give their milk up.

033) Do You Like Winter Time?
Yes and no. I don't like the cold much but I like how snow looks.

034) Can You Decribe Your Dream House For Me?
A suburban house with at least two floors and many windows. I love natural lighting so big windows are a must. Downstairs are the kitchen, living room, dining room and guest bathroom along with a fireplace. upstairs I want at least four bedrooms and two bathrooms, one being connected to the master bedroom.  I also want a small office space or a library, and a play room. I also want a separate room for my animals. On the third floor or the attic, I would like to make a studio for me or half of an art studio and the other half could be for my other.

I just thought of "Meet the Parents" that house would be fine.

035) How Do You Feel About Sex Outside Of Marriage?
I was against it until I actually had sex and all i could say was "that's all?" Sex is an important part of any healthy relationship.  You need to have a lot of good sex in order to be with someone for the rest of your lives.

036) Have You Ever Had A Spending Problem?
I try not to. But some days I do nothing but spend money.

037) Do You Like Playing Any Sports?

038) Do You Think Your Family Will Like Me?
Assuming that I've never met you... nope. My family dislikes everyone for one reason or the other. They hardly like me.

039) Do You Like Eating Out At Restaurants?
I do, but I would prefer some home-cooked meals. It's cheaper and healthier.

040) At What Point Does A Girl Become A Woman?
That's hard to say because every person has their own point in life in which they just mature. I still see myself as a girl but others may view me as a woman. I see middle-aged females acting like children but they are considered woman. It's all about maturity, time, and what you do with your life.

Escape my Thoughts: 800 Questions to ask a Girl


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