Rumble @ icompete

May 03, 2010 21:51

Okay, a majority voted for the option rumble and regular challenges, and jedisakora and I decided to start with our first rumble round.

For those of you, who don't know what a rumble is. I guess it's a bit like a LIMS only difference is that you don't get eliminated, but try to get points each challenge. At the end of the round the person with the most points wins. And in rumble you just don't get points when your icons wins, you can also earn points just by voting or entering.

We'll start with the first challenge as soon as we have enough sign ups. And since icompete is a free for all icontest comm, our challenges in this rumble will follow the regular themes - Word prompt, provided texture/picture and lyrics. only difference you get just one theme for each challenge.

5 pts for First Place
4 pts for Second Place
3 pts for Third Place
2 pts for Special Category & Mod's Choice
1 pt for Entering
1 pt for Voting

01. holidaylights12
02. gerryswenchie14
03. dark_flight00
04. surmise13
05. masteroftrouble02
06. coloredpastels00
07. adancehalldrug04
08. gunshou02
09. unbutteredpaper00
10. alexzrules09
11. haruechan11
12. eyestoowide19
13. jessicaim01
14. lefthandpenguin01
15. christinaa8800
16. pointblankdarcy03
17. scarletxanth00
18. mon_hantise7213

Just leave a comment if you want to participate. Or if you have a question.

RUMBLE ROUND #01 @ icompete

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RUMBLE ROUND #01 @" width=350>">sign-up & info //">join

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