I'm all nyquilled up..and ready for midnight..I thought it was really late..now looking at the clock I see it's only six..Lost comes on tonight..I might be a little "lost" lol...since I didn't see last weeks episode due to extinuating life circumstances...I have a feeling i'm going to read this tomorrow and delete it....because if I am typing as
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The cats were fighting and woke me up...now I can't go back to sleep..I guess I 'll start cleaning house. State is Tuesday..I'm trying not to think about it ....... you know so I don't freak the fuck out.
I actually got way past the driveway and would have been fine if the cops hadn't of found me and brought me back..also..that's not my tattoo..but that'd be wicked retarded if it was.
As a child...You were ran away from home and made it to the end of your driveway
I was sitting out side today with a coworker while she smoked and we were watching an approaching storm..that weirdest thing happened..the temperture dropped about 10 degrees while we were sitting there..I mean it's not weird but that's the first time I've ever experienced that..it was so awesome.