ummmm heelllloooo!andymac24January 7 2006, 09:21:23 UTC
The YAK! You forgot to mention the YAK! You left out the very memorable part I think of the fact that my cousin got a YAK for XMAS!
Yakiddy Yak!
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and each one of the exclamation points represents trillions and zillions of hugs kisses etc., no detail needed...hehehe
p.s. I miss Q and R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so.....
p.q.r.s. Your mural kicks ass! I think you should do another one similar to that one or simply cut out the wall from Michelle's dorm room and super glue that fucker to the milwaukee art mueseum. Then wait about a mila second and watch the crowds that fly by the blown glass diddy and flock to your elaborate mind of its own masterpiece. Next watch them faint in an orgasm of so much artful amazingness it makes the mona lisa look like a hobo!
I LOVE YOU! and art in general so the above was taking into a kidding manner! I have said to much... but i still heart the ever lovin out of you!
Comments 4
i forwarded you a bunch of articles that georgie sent me about HIV. thought they might help your aids project..
hope your fam loved the mural as much as i do and mine do...
getting the cartligdge done with ian on sunday,it's offical, right after work. wish you could be there to watch me freak out!!
miss you already :(
Yakiddy Yak!
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and each one of the exclamation points represents trillions and zillions of hugs kisses etc., no detail needed...hehehe
p.s. I miss Q and R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so.....
p.q.r.s. Your mural kicks ass! I think you should do another one similar to that one or simply cut out the wall from Michelle's dorm room and super glue that fucker to the milwaukee art mueseum. Then wait about a mila second and watch the crowds that fly by the blown glass diddy and flock to your elaborate mind of its own masterpiece. Next watch them faint in an orgasm of so much artful amazingness it makes the mona lisa look like a hobo!
I LOVE YOU! and art in general so the above was taking into a kidding manner! I have said to much... but i still heart the ever lovin out of you!
I would love to see them.
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