Title: Paint Author: ienvy Fandom: South Park Pairing: Craig/Tweek Rating: PG Summary: #63 Masterpiece The Table Warnings: IT'S FLUFFY! - Because I already write enough macabre stuff as it is. ;] Notes: Written for chloegdgc
Aw, this is adorable! I really like the way you write these two. This piece is very fitting for the theme you present in the ending paragraphs, I think. It's just a simple snapshot, but so telling and complete at the same time. I love it. :)
I thought I managed to sort of tie it in rather nicely without making this into too much of a lemon~ Cause I had plenty of dirty ideas when I first started off. ;]
Awww, I loved it : > I'm a creek fan in general, but this was really.... idk, I expected more fluff after your warning, but this portion of it was JUST PERFECT! : D I love the interactions there c: And of course when Craig reached out for Tweek's hand <3333 >w<
This is VERY fluffy, especially when you compare it to the stuff I normally write. When I was writing this it was a bit like, 'the sugary fluffy goodness! It's worse than cotton candy! DD:'. But I think it turned out nicely, so... glad to hear that other people think so, too~<3~!
Completely adorable. The way you write is so beautiful, it is truly a joy to read your fics. This has got to be one of my favoruites of yours that I have read so far. Tweek's character came off perfectly, I felt almost as nervous as him in reading it!
Oh gosh that ending was wonderfully schmoopy. And you kept the boys in character. Craig *would* ask such a blunt question, only to reveal his feelings through subtle actions. Sigh.
Comments 22
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<3 Thank you very much. I do quite enjoy reading your comments~
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You should like the next one coming up, it's Stenny. At least then I won't be attacking you with my Creek.
I'm a creek fan in general, but this was really.... idk, I expected more fluff after your warning, but this portion of it was JUST PERFECT! : D
I love the interactions there c: And of course when Craig reached out for Tweek's hand <3333
The way you write is so beautiful, it is truly a joy to read your fics.
This has got to be one of my favoruites of yours that I have read so far.
Tweek's character came off perfectly, I felt almost as nervous as him in reading it!
And thanks so much, I rather enjoyed this one~
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