Title: Break Even
onkeyloves Pairing: Eunsook/Key
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Ending of a relationship between Eunsook and Key. But they love each other, they really did.
After she left Kibum, Eunsook felt like a different person altogether. )
Comments 18
but beautiful at the same time.
For both reading and commenting ^^
It's beautiful but it's so sad ;__;
And thank you ^^
For both reading and commenting ♥
any sequel to it?
i love the last line! ^^
thanks for sharing! ^^
Ah, maybe xD
I'm not too sure,
I mean there's not a lot of people who liked it anyway /:
So it'll depends ^^
The last line, is from a song by The Scripts - Breakeven (:
Thank you for reading and commenting ♥
reading this i feel bad for Kibum...>.<...he loves her...and still does...OTL...but Eunsook has her own heart...cant blame her for leaving Kibum...>.<
this is sooooo good>.<...and this is my 1st time reading broken Key/Eunsook...XD
pls do write more...^^ ill be waiting for another GREAT pieces from you^^
Uh huh, actually we should feel sad for Eunsook too. She doesn't know what her heart wants. It's like, she can't help but feel better when she's with an older guy because it's human instinct to want to feel protected (:
Ah, actually, I only read one before. LOL. It's okay, there's a first to everything anyway xD
Teehee, thank you for your compliments and for reading too ^^
Thank you ♥
i was PMSing and a plot rushed to my head begging to be written...XD
But well, i can understand her, she needs to feel protected, too bad she didnt get it from Kibum >.< ...
you''re welcome...XD..you worth my comment and compliments...XD..this piece was so great..XD..i would feel bad if i didnt give my appreciation for you^^
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