The pull of the Dark Side

Mar 08, 2011 14:05

Another talented engineer and my soon-to-be-ex colleague is moving to a hedge fund to build some trading system for oodles of money and little benefit to the society.  Expect your Internet experience in the years to come to be just ever so slightly worse because of this.

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Comments 10

inostranka March 8 2011, 19:09:19 UTC
Что за хедж фонд ;))? В Бостоне?


igorlord March 8 2011, 19:21:53 UTC
In Boston.


inostranka March 8 2011, 20:00:36 UTC
Which fund?


igorlord March 8 2011, 21:34:32 UTC
I have not heard of it before he told me, so I already forgot. I may recall if you give me its name again. I think it starts with a B and has two words in its name.


avacon March 8 2011, 20:26:45 UTC
We can only hope that he finds life less redeeming there and comes back to us...


igorlord March 8 2011, 21:32:39 UTC

I do not blame him, however. The charms of the Dark Side are powerful, indeed. I do wish him luck and success.


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