dude, is it just me or does livejournal lag 24/7? -_-
^_^ YEEEEEEE!! I FOUND THE SEME/UKE SHIRTS! ::jumps around:: so after begging my mom for about 3 hours, she's gonna let me get them. MUAHAHAHAH HAH! thank god she doesn't know what they mean..
you guys have to get them too so we can wear them to oni-con!
Sep 16, 2003 20:55
GO THERE. I'M OBSESSED. @____@ it's extremely addictive..well, for me anyways..
Sep 10, 2003 15:11
I've been neglecting this LJ..not that I care ah hah HAH. Thank you kara-chan for making the backround so rapeable. ^^ does anyone know how to post pictures? I NEED to post the nipple picture
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Sep 02, 2003 19:30
I fixed Karens LJ AGAIN! >.<
Any way, too bad you cant see the background, It's Gojyo getting molested! ^.^
Aug 28, 2003 11:22
meh..I'm not at school today because I'm sick. My throat hurts and my nose is all runny. At least I get to miss the LTD in English today! ^^
::huggles her sandrock:: this bastard took forever to make. *edit* the picture won't woooork! ::whines:: lj hates me.
Aug 25, 2003 21:41
Hee, I'm writing this out of boredom. School is seriously boring me to fucking tears! I don't know anyone in my pre-cal class because I'm stuck with all the stupid seniors I'm allll alone ;-: Oh, and I HATE this evil little boy in my english class. He needs to be shaved, sterilized and destroyed. ::eyeball bulge:: Today we were watching a movie on
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