Episode 2: EMO Crisis at the Superbowl!
Description: Clint and his assistant McKenzie must plan the superbowl hafltime show. In the midst of all the chaos he somehow gets a hold of My Chemical Romance on the phone and chaos ensues! Will Clint be able to get a half time show? Will this episode be any funnier than the last one? LETS HOPE SO!
Jan 28, 2006 00:55
So yea, I like it. Listening to Hall and Oates definately gets me in the 80s mood. w00t!
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Jan 27, 2006 16:47
5 AM...its such a wonderful time of day. Most are still asleep loving their last hour before having to go to school. I enjoy it because I know I can sleep in however late I want sometimes, its quite nice. However I do take things out of context sometimes. I had recently said something along the lines of "I never go to bed til 5 AM" on my live
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Jan 26, 2006 20:56
Alright so today was fantastic. Turns out that I can't go to sleep before 5 in the morning. Cause something knacks away at my brain until then. And then when 5 AM rolls around I'm out. I slept in til about 2 today. I hate that feeling, most of the day is already over and its like you know you'll get nothing done all day. But hey, thats the life of
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Jan 26, 2006 16:20
Flavor blasted Goldfish are better than any other snack food on the planet. Don't dispute me.
Jan 26, 2006 03:22
I really need to sleep, cause when I don't bad things happen. Very bad things. Like red eye, it looks terrible and then I have people asking me all the time "Whats with your eyes, are you abused?" And I always have to explain that the way my dad hits me is called tough love. He is a good man and a slap upside the head doesn't mean its not without a
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Jan 26, 2006 01:13
Call me crazy but I miss the ol LJ. Its a lot more user friendly than Xanga and MySpace. Plus there seem to be a lot more Avon people here than anywhere else HAHA. So yea. I'll make a real update later I am just WAY too tired to do anything really.