it really bothers me how fucked up people need to drag amazing people down with them to their level. they need to leave them alone and start their own colony. on Uranus. then die. because they are all so ridiculously STUPID
so im going to be interviewed for the news in about a half hour. im nervous. going back to school should be interesting.. but i think im going to remain anonymous so idk.. well yea thats my day. and my voice sucks from my tonsils. o boy. so im going to sound even more retarded than normal on tv :)
for once in a long mother fucking time i am satisfied with my friends. i love all of them and they ALL know who they are.
but it does bother me when people get in the way and just cant realize how RETARDED they are and just get over it. anyways. thats my life updated as of 11.26.06
errr.i never update. so the other night i was bored and was deciding on what tattoos i want to get and piercings and whatnot. so far, i want a heart on one wrist, a peace sign on the other. and then a ribbon on the back of my neck like nicole richie. and then a peircing right below the bow.
yea. i have 2 more years to change my mind. ...random
ugh my ex-best friend from like..birth is over again aka my dads long lost daughter im ignored when theyre around. its so annoying he treats her better than me sorry most...all..of my posts are complaints .