Title: Moments In Time Characters/Pairing: Chlollie Spoilers: Pretty much everything up till Salvation (9.22) A/N: A companion piece to Next Time and follows the same canon.
Your gorgeous comment has made my day. Thank you for your lovely words.
Like you, I'm not a fan of a couple of being told something rather than shown it and I would much rather see a realistic portrayal of a relationship than a fair tale of epic proportions that rings hollow.
On a personal note: Thank you so much for loving and understanding Chlollie even though you're a Chlark shipper. It shows so much objective maturity that you rise above the petty shipper warsThank you! Chlark may be my OTP but I ADORE Chlollie
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Comments 22
Awesome. Awesome!!!!
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Like you, I'm not a fan of a couple of being told something rather than shown it and I would much rather see a realistic portrayal of a relationship than a fair tale of epic proportions that rings hollow.
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