Going movie hopping on Friday with a punch of pals. We're gonna go see Dark Knight again (This will be my seventh time. No exaggeration. My parents wanna kill me 'cause i've made 'em gimme all this money to go there.) and I wanna see that new movie Towelhead (Everyone is having their periods all over the floor about this title, but get over it.
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Meduim: Naruto Fandom: Naruto Uzumaki Subject: the younger version of Naruto Title: Don't Take Me For Granted Warnings: Crappy album art. Your eyes may bleed. Notes: PUNK! SKA! ROCK! OH MY!
Subject: Joker Fanmix: Im Already Inside You Picture Keyword: joker -_- Text: Medium: Movie Fandom: The Dark Knight Subject: The Joker Title: Because I'm Already Inside You Warnings: Variety of dark and or anarchic music inside. No likey, no looky.