So it seems all the yucky side effects are over and I'm still alive and kicking. And I seem to mostly have everything under control, which is a relief
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Looking forward to the first days of 2013, will finally be seeing The Hobbit and Les Misérables. And hopefully The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2012 will be out soon because I'm far more interested in it than fireworks.
I'm pretty much just killing time til Christmas and The Hobbit opening on Boxing Day.
Oh and I do have the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular on the 15th. That will hopefully be awesome and not panic attacky (I have a bad track record at the Opera House.)
The OCD unsub (Steve from Five-O) in this ep of Criminal Minds does a very similar door handle thing that I do. But nothing I own is that clean and I can never cut my sandwiches that straight.
Also he put bits of bread in his bullet wounds which seems like crack fic come to life.
At least before Facebook I could pretend that everyone was just bumming around with no life like me. Now I have proof that nearly everyone has a life and I just watch telly and drink tea
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Our government shits me and reading all the homophobic, sexist, bullcrap people comment on articles about marriage equality just shits me even more
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