Happy Birthday Chibisuke. How do you like your present?
[ooc: I'm on a hiatus, as I am traveling in Finland until the New Year. I'm still going to be able to check my flist, so no worries on that, but it will just be infrequently. Happy Holidays everyone!]
Bye to everyone who's already making their way elsewhere. Chibisuke, tell me how you like the gifts when you open it. If you can get someone to record your opening of them, that would be even better.
Had to get a new mask for the ball quickly, but everything seems to be working out fine.
Hey, lil' bro! I'm joining up on your team. The others won't even know what hit them.
On another note, Marui-sama. I've been thinking about looking into a private martial arts teacher that can train me up during break. Any come to mind? Let me know.
Marui-sama. I send one of the house staff to buy some of the ointment stuff the tattoo guy recommended. That and to stock up on dye and scent free lotion and soap. It is enough for now, and should more than cover the healing time. We'll need to clean both again soon, so just let me know.
I guess the play really is over. Took awhile to sink it. It was a lot of fun guys! Maybe there could be another one in the spring or something
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