Jul 28, 2004 01:18
i got back, we are ok, we always are okay...
i don't know for sure what to do with my life, i think is probably time for me to start making choices and sticking to them...
lately, my head almost always hurts
i must be getting real sick...
i'd be to f***ed up to notice when it happens...
Jul 27, 2004 20:14
my head feels numb, i am going to my gf later on and i don't want to, is gonna be 3 or 4 continous hours of fighting i don't wanna hurt her, nor to get hurt myself...
i wish someone was reading this...
haha so pathetic...
Jul 27, 2004 17:46
my girlfriend wants out, i wouldn't blame her, i mean i am not the best bf around... anyway she wants me to take the blame for everything, i am afraid i can't deal with that... not anymore
Jul 26, 2004 15:58
how can i start, if i don't have a begining...
i'll come back later with a begining