Stamped as Claudius // Women of the Empire Theme

Jul 26, 2009 19:09

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Previous Stamps: Claudius (Regular)
Name: Caitlin
Age: 24
Interests/Hobbies: Writing, acting, photography, astrology, videogames, recreational research
Strengths/Positives: Independent, Loyal, Competent
Weaknesses/Negatives: Sarcastic, Impatient, Reserved
What do you love?: History, especially ancient; theater; music; philosophy (mostly Classical and East Asian); comedy; play-writing; animals; the sea
What do you hate?: Hot weather, insects, busybodies, rude people, people who drive badly, bullies, liars, noisy children, being told what to do, being stifled in my endeavors
Describe yourself in three words: Passionate, Sensitive, Introverted

Controlling or Passive: Passive
Beauty or Brains: I'd like both; but if absolutely forced to choose, then beauty.
Love or Ambition: Love, definitely.
Haughty or Humble: Humble, with moments of haughtiness.
Dutiful or Reckless: Dutiful
Idealistic or Pragmatic: Idealistic
Jealous or Confident: Quietly confident with occasional bouts of jealousy.

What is most important to you?: The people I love; my family, friends and significant others are what I cherish most in this world. Without them, I feel I'd be lost. Being around them as much as possible is of utmost importance to me.
What are some of your deepest regrets?: Not speaking up for myself more; I tend to keep things to myself if I think they may cause problems or hurt feelings. As stubborn as I am inside, I don't like to rock the boat outwardly. But sometimes, it's necessary. I feel like things in my life may have been different if I had taken a stronger stance at times.
Describe your relationship with the emperor: It's a very loving, passionate relationship. He's my lover as well as my dearest friend; he's everything I want in life. Even if for some reason we became separated or couldn't marry, I'd still remain loyal to him, in heart, mind and action.
Describe your role in the management of the empire. Are you at all involved in it, or do you exist more behind the scenes?: I'm not that involved in it at all; the actual governing of the empire isn't something that interests me in any way. I know many people could only dream of such an opportunity but for me, it's comprised of affairs I don't want to deal with. I suppose that may score some points with the historians, but I don't care about them. I care about him. Of course if he asked for my opinion or advice on something, I'd give it.
How interested are you in gaining power for yourself?: Not at all. It's not something I care about.
Would you feign affection/love in order to win favor?: No; it's not in my nature to pretend to care about someone to gain their trust/favor.
How do you deal with rivals for the emperor's attention?: Being the sensitive person I am, it would hurt me to see others working to gain his attention and favor and winning it. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm non-confrontational and would likely just watch it happen. However, I'd be sure to let him know of my feelings about it all.
What do you imagine your personal legacy to be? How will history treat you, the woman at the emperor's side?: I'm not sure. I'd like to think it'll be comparatively positive, given my lack of ambition on this particular stage. However, I don't imagine I'd have a terribly big place in the histories, since I would likely remain more behind the scenes, carrying on my relationship with the emperor in such a fashion.

Due to an unfortunate series of ill-advised decisions and public actions, the emperor's popularity is dwindling fast. In all likelihood, he'll be forced from his position soon. Aware of this serious situation, what do you do? Do you stand by him or do you side with his detractors in hopes of preserving your own life and influence?: I'd stand by him, willing to die with him. I love and care for him immensely, and if I couldn't convince him to flee Italy with me, I'd be there with him to the last moments. There is no price high enough for me to betray him or leave him behind.

Anything else you think we should know?: Nope, thanks for voting!
[Optional!] Finally, please give us a brief description of yourself or a picture (image or URL):

!stamped, theme - woe - octavia, theme - woe - claudia acte

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