First and foremost, Happy very belated birthday to paris365!!!! I was up north on your actual birthday, and then I went straight to work, I hope it was a nice day for you!
And lastly, here are the few pictures I took ( up north )
My family went on a little Detroit river boat cruise a few weekends ago. My grandma e-mailed me some pictures. This one made me laugh:
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Last night I had a dream that someone broke in my apartment to stab and kill me. They some how got in from the balcony, but I was in the shower and had the bathroom door locked so they waited around for a while and then I guess got creeped out and left. Every night before I go to bed, I always make sure everything is locked up because I watch way
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Sarah and I still want to plan our Alice themed 'un-birthday' party. I think we were saying something about the end of the month, but of course we always talk about it when I'm already intoxicated and can't remember most of what I've said the next day. My planning has gone as far as looking for outfits and fun recipies, but it's a start right? ( A very merry un-birthday to you )
I FINALLY changed my layout after getting sick of looking at it all weird and stretched out all over the place. I still have to fix the header image (it's not transparent and it's driving me crazy) but I think I'm pretty much so done with it
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