Sep 04, 2005 10:48
hks catback exhaust with 2 3/4 in. pipeng $695 guess who blew their last chek ME and the next ones going tword a wide band 02 sensor
Aug 08, 2005 05:28
i will not waste the gas on another eclipse. i was in my moms van last night and kicked a gst's ASS ...even though the van is a 4.7L it was disapointing how much faster it was haha
Jul 27, 2005 08:24
guess who got a raise for cutting a limb off a palm tree because it was bothering me and im bored alot. im feeling an employee of the month commin
Jun 27, 2005 02:10
lesson learnt: say no when work calls you in after a long night.
some thank yous' are do somewhere
and a im sorry
Jun 19, 2005 02:32
hm i find myself doing nothing alot latly. im lacking in the motivation department. i work with a bunch of idiots. im frustrated with alot of things right now. how are you?
May 08, 2005 19:18
whoa last night was crazy. almost died 3 times
Apr 24, 2005 20:31
wow it was cold last night. tent party 2 was a sucess?