Dec 03, 2005 21:55
oh because of Kat:
ask me five questions
no matter how personal/private/random they are;
i will answer them (as) honestly (as i can).
in the spirit of sharing, be a sport and put this in your diary,
so i can get to know your dirty little secrets too.
Nov 07, 2005 20:08
favourite composer: Thomas Newman
Oct 26, 2005 20:49
thoughts of what love is
what shapes our contorted bodies take
come nighttime, come fleeting morning
we are intangible and beautiful
open your heart to me and my
you touch everything in between
Oct 02, 2005 18:09
kosketa minua
älä käsilläsi
vaan niin että tunnen sinut
kosketa minua
älä käsilläsi
mutta sielussasi
Aug 25, 2005 22:59
you are so silly
rome is the capital of the world
and i already know
vancouver has my heart
Jun 04, 2005 23:04
throughout history polands borders have moved
so much that poland isnt poland anymore
so far that my gut hurts
but i quench the fire
inside with fear (?)
Jun 02, 2005 23:12
Yad Vashem did a job on me today -eyes raining
im so thankful for everything right now
May 27, 2005 23:47
so out of touch from the world right now
from me in israel to you at home
thinking about the prospects bending time creates
while forgetting you all wrapped into one
take that me.