Title: Say When Pairing: Will/Rachel Rating: PG-13 Summary: After a Christmas concert, Rachel is forced to finally come to terms with something she's been trying to hide all along.
Wow, you're such a good writer. It's not even the fact that you have impeccable spelling/grammar unlike half the people on here (it's a pet peeve of mine) but I think just the fact that you are able to elaborate and make it so descriptive without losing my attention that makes it so amazing :) I may be slightly biased as I am completely in love with this pair (and have read every Will/Rachel fanfic ever written) but this was really, really well done. But you probably know that :P I hope to see more from you :)
Wow, thank you so much! I'm extremely glad that you liked it. It took many edits and re-writes but putting in all that effort made it even more special for me. Will and Rachel are just an amazing pair, aren't they? They just have so much potential. I will continue to cross my fingers for them as the show goes on.
I'm a big fan of your fics, by the way! YOU are a fantastic writer! :) Keep up the beautiful work.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You are simply amazing. I love this fic so, so much! Your characterization of poor, distressed Rachel is right on, and I feel so sorry for her when Will pulls back! That girl can't take much of that, you know :) I love Will's terms of endearment, and the way he tries to comfort Rachel.
SUCH A MAGNIFICENT PIECE OF WRITING. Truly, you're just awesome. Thank you for the great fic!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am extremely touched to receive such positive feedback. I'm almost at a loss for words! I'm just so honored to have met you and I'll say this again: Columbus inspired the heck out of me and it really helped push me to finish this sucker up. So, thank you. :)
You are tremendously amazing.karmavoreAugust 11 2010, 04:44:59 UTC
The complete honesty and raw emotion of your writing just gets me - and probably every other person who reads it. You write in a way that people can relate to. That, my bestie, is a talent to behold.
I can't believe that I'm just getting around to posting this now...a few months later. I'm SO bad. I just wanted you to know that your comment made my day when I first read it. Thank you so much! :) I plan on writing a lot more Will/Rachel from now on.
Ah! Hearing that makes me SO happy! Isn't she amazing?
I'm a big fan of your writing, too, by the way! Keep up the great work. It continues to inspire me.
Comments 10
I'm a big fan of your fics, by the way! YOU are a fantastic writer! :) Keep up the beautiful work.
and YES, they are made for each other. Why are they not shipped by, like, EVERYONE? Makes no sense. ;)
SUCH A MAGNIFICENT PIECE OF WRITING. Truly, you're just awesome. Thank you for the great fic!
You write in a way that people can relate to. That, my bestie, is a talent to behold.
Love you!
You should seriously write more Will/Rachel. It needs to be written and you did a terrific job here!
Ah! Hearing that makes me SO happy! Isn't she amazing?
I'm a big fan of your writing, too, by the way! Keep up the great work. It continues to inspire me.
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