Preference will be given to an applicant who preserves as much existing history as possible, though of course changes can be and should be made to make the character 'yours' rather than an attempt to follow someone else's interpretation.
Plagiarism of previous applications will not be tolerated and will result in immediate rejection.
Only purely Heterosexual Harry Applications will be considered.
Please read the initial, opening game
Synopsis to have a feel of Harry's role in the war. Another helpful tool to look at, as you consider our game, would be to click Harry's 'tag' in the sidebar of the main game and read through some of the threads he has been involved in up until this point. We are not looking to clone or recreate the 'old' Harry, but it is helpful to have an understanding of his history, in order to be able to decide how much of the history you are able/willing to incorporate into 'your' view of Harry.
Also, please note the initial 'fight' with Draco was a plot-device for the prior Mun to 'explain' the cleft-palate scar of the actor she was using for a PB for Harry. It would be preferable for a new Mun to use a new PB, so please do not feel you must keep that 'scar' portion of that history.
After killing Voldemort, Harry retrieved Voldemort's wand and entrusted it to Remus Lupin until they could determine how best to destroy it. Lupin still has it at this time.
During the war, Draco Malfoy came to the Order of the Phoenix for help, having been aided by Snape to escape the Death Eaters and Voldemort's wrath. Enough of a wary truce was formed there, that later, after the end of the war, when Lucius Malfoy was also "pardoned" of his war-crimes and there was fear for Draco's life in relation to how his father would view his 'defection', Harry provided Draco a room in the enormous house he bought to share with Ron and Hermione, yet another instance of his 'saving-people-thing'. Draco's residence there was exceedingly brief and rife with animosity as might be expected.
Harry was once declared Witch Weekly's Most Eligible Bachelor, which caused him a great deal of embarrassing publicity. He was also awarded the "Order of the Phoenix, Superiour Class" - which was a new designation, above and beyond the Order of Merlin, for bravery and valour, etc. Being he was only nineteen at the time of the award, it has all been a bit overwhelming.
In the interest of allowing a new player to start with as much of a 'clean slate' as possible, Harry has no romantic history to conform to. Harry has dated Ginny off and on, more so recently, but Ginny is presently very career-focused. Our game is not a 'ship focused' game, and there are no requirements to 'ship Harry with anyone.
Harry has maintained the expected canon friendships, is still very close with Ron and Hermione, became much closer to Remus during the war due to extensive training he received from the werewolf, and has had a few nearly civil exchanges with Snape - as well as a rather larger number of not remotely civil ones. More recently, as Snape and Remus have become close, Snape has made increasing efforts towards tolerance, though they are not remotely amicable with one another.
Though - Harry was once summoned, by Snape, to be Snape's 'minder' while he got blindingly drunk. That thread may be found here: And the reason for Severus' drunkenness may be found here: Harry was also looking into private tuition to take and complete his N.E.W.T.'s, though this is optional for a new Mun.
Again, we are not looking to clone or recreate the 'old' Harry. We would like to maintain friendships and plot-history that affects many of our other existing characters, but want applicants to feel free to add their own creativity and spin to his character and personality.
A strong understanding of a canon Harry Potter is crucial, of course, but we are also looking for someone who gives Harry more depth than we see in canon. What are his motivations? What are his hopes and dreams? How has the war affected him? The successful Harry Potter application needs to really knock our socks off - it would be a good idea to skim over some of the user-info sections of our existing characters to have an idea of the level of depth and detail we expect of our players, particularly players of 'key' roles.