So not so very long ago, walkawayslowly decided to write a Hockey Big Bang story. And I said I would do a mix for it. Which really meant, I picked out a handful of songs and made her help me with everything else. Because she is awesome like that. And today is the posting day, so here it is. Enjoy!!
The roomie and I went to see Robin Hood tonight, and both of us enjoyed it immensely. Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett were awesome. Now we both want to read stories about Robin and Marian parenting all of the orphan children in the forest. And being crazy in love
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I grew up watching Doctor Who. My dad, brothers and I would catch it Saturday afternoons on our local PBS station. Four was the Doctor I imprinted on, though my Companion on choice was Ace. Might have been because I was 15-16 and felt out of place
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So as soon as I finished watching tonight's ep I ran to my computer to look for other people squeeing over it, because HELLO! Esposito, if I didn't love you before I would so love you now. And Kevin Ryan! I just want to squeeze them all. Totes.