[18:22] hiii [18:31] hi [18:31] :D [18:32] *hug* [18:34] * Kiita pokes [18:35] * Carnage hugs [18:35] i'm tempted to deadmin myself for a bit [18:36] cause i really dont want to deal with the battle i'm confident will soon emerge [18:36] what'cha mean? [18:37] krystin just realised she can't kline people any more [18:37] hahahaha
I'm still here! Just been busy with friends, school and stuff... and in the end of the day, I've been too tired to write anything here v.v
Going again in a bit to help Kim :P I'll probably not be that much help though.. teehee. I'm fairly cheery, and it's great. :D Chaaaaaaaaarlie, me luv-luv ya. ;D :P