So, I love my flist.
Actually, that’s a lie - mostly because I love only half my flist and really don’t know the other half, and this recent post by
syrraki got me thinking - really thinking - about what I've been considering for a while now. I’ve been missing her posts because they always get pushed to the back of my Friends page by other entries which
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Comments 66
&hearts *kisses choo*
i know i'm bad in comforting people but there is smut?
If you're bad at comforting people, mikochan, then I'm worse. But you're so right - there is smut! how could I ever forget? 8D
in fact, I'm doing a little something for that kink meme over at sasusaku - seriously, that meme is a wet dream come true!
and you know everyone waits/needs it.
and we are thirsty for smut. *evil cackle*
Anyway, I sent a little.. *cough cough* comment to that girl/boy/stupid lj . And I would have been really, *really* angry at your place.
Either way, pleaseeeeeeeeeee do not delleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeee me! I ♥ U and hope you ♥ me too though I won't ask 'cause you asked so :)
And- and do you really think so low of me? *hurt* Why would I cut you of all people?! D: I enjoy beta-ing your stories and ILU too! I thought you knew that! DDD: I hope yu realize I feel *hurt* and *betrayed* that that's what you've thought of me all along... *fades into depression*
I'm sorry. I was just kidding around (which is why I made deeeeelllllllleeeeeteeeee like this XD)
I know you love me and I really do ♥ ♥ ♥ U too!!
Btw (I know this will sounds totally random) but are you into Ookiku? Apparently, this season is really damn cute :DDDD
Oohhh! Ookiku? What, exactly, is that? If it's something cute, then tellll meee~! :D
About me, I don't really do much, mostly I tool around online. I am still in high school, and am quite a fan of fic about poly relationships. I love to just hear/see/read people interact. I've been rather depressed since the rp comm which this journal is a remnant of collapsed, and I haven't been able to find a connection like that since, online or in real life. I've just sort of withdrawn, but you don't really want to hear about me, I'm sorry for spamming you.
While I am really sad and disheartened that such things have happened to your lj, gotta say that your new header looks awesome! Also, that the next few posts you're going to make sound interesting. And the changes you make sound like they will be much more beneficial to you, so that's god too.
<3 you!
Oh, trust me, these things happen a lot on my LJ for some reason I have a feeling I kicked puppies in my previous life XD and I have to keep deleting them D:
Yup, I've fallen in love with the header. Especially Kakashi, because he doesn't need anything but cigarettes to be badass. XD I think you told me post book reviews once - well, I went out and bought some of he books from that 100 classics list, and I will, after I read them! :D
♥♥ you too!
I hope you don't mind me spreading the word about the help_paksitan community on my next entry? The images and clips they're showing on the nightly news are just terrible. D:
So, I'm just starting college, and I've been in between fandoms (although Doctor Who has been awesome lately.) I sort of gave up on Naruto and have been reading copious amounts of Harry Potter fanfiction for no particularly good reason lately. I enjoy your posts and I think you're a really interesting person. :)
I'm actually just starting college as well (yes, Doctor Who - I've been planning to read that forever). It's just... well, sad, at least for me, that you gave up on Naruto - I still remember the first fic I've read of you - watering plants. It really was, just- beautiful.
The manga has been all sorts of crazy lately (Kishi can't wait to get this finsihed, I think) but I guess that's what fanfiction is for - to inject some logic into all the insanity. (HP - I haven't read that in forever. Ah, memories~!/nostalgic).
I'm glad you enjoy my posts - hopefully, they'll be more interesting when I branch out into Pandora Hearts, NANA and DGM! :)
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