Oct 06, 2007 16:09
I submitted pics to Dreadhead HQ to see if I could get some free stuff. Has anyone else tried this?
Also, i went to an animal rights march today, even though it was for PETA (who i disagree with on a few things) I had a great time, and my poor Irish skin is all crispy now :( Hopefully pics soon!
Aug 26, 2007 13:48
hello old journal.
i haven't posted in forever.
well just so you remember what you were doing for the last 3 months....
having the best time of your life!
1 year anniversaries, and 21 birthdays-life is great.
so there. smilez.
May 22, 2007 22:00
haha! yer mom's face is anorexic! BOOM!
Apr 28, 2007 02:12
I just got out of 50% of my debt today! just by working hard and saving money!
im one step closer...hurrah!