Aug 19, 2004 05:01
Why am I so stupid? Like why can't I resist things that I should? Why can't.. when I'm feeling the temptation.. I just pray and ask God to move it from my mind? I knew I was going to get in BAD trouble.. yet I still did it. WHY OH WHY?! I hate being like this. I wish I could change.
Aug 13, 2004 02:17
Hey y'all.
Today my sister was stompin all over my ever livin last nerve. She was being a first class a-hole.
Anyway. I survived Bonnie. Woohoo.. now I have to survive Charley tomorrow.. *bites nails* ha I'm just playing I love storms!
Who wants to cuddle with me tomorrow during the storm?
Aug 12, 2004 01:31
Hey guys..
I'd greatly appreciate it if you just bared with me the first couple of posts, cause this is my first time doing this, and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing!
I actually only joined Live Journal cause my friend asked me to be a moderator on the new Mourning September community.. and since I support them 100% how could I say no??