Well, after much time and feeling totally "coocoo" by all of this, I finally pulled together the details of this up-coming Holiday Icon Fest. Even though it was still much work and modification and effort, it would have been even harder without the awesome Rachel
lemonpunch, who allowed me to use her details and rules as guidelines. It is practically the same, with some adjustments, different wording, extra thoughts. :)
(I also borrowed your cute symbols, hun. ♥)
So, here goes:
General Guidelines:
♣ All Icon Fest related entries are going to stay and remain in my community in the way they were posted, even if some time passes; because, let's admit it, sometimes we need to be reminded of the fun we had and that we can actually create something that others enjoy. :)
♣ The event is open for anyone, regardless if they have graphic skills or are just here to enjoy looking at all the graphics, posting prompts: everyone is welcome, actually the more, the merrier.
♣ Icon makers can be of any skill level, everyone is welcome, I cannot emphasize on that fact enough! Don't be scared of filling people's prompts; they will all be grateful and it is also a great chance to practice your graphic skills. It can also prove to be inspirational.
♣ The planned start date will be Monday, 20th December, around 3 AM GMT+1-ish (or when I am able to post) and it is going to close on Friday 31th December, midnight GMT+1. This means that there is almost two weeks to enjoy this event and that should give time to everyone, even if someone is busy around Christmas Eve/Day, to participate.
♣ Any and all work created can be cross-posted, or posted wherever you like, but it must first be posted as a reply comment to the original prompt, and be replied to by the person who posted the prompt.
♣ All icons posted will be shareable to everyone, not only the person who posted the original prompt, after all we all know that sharing is caring. (;)) Crediting the maker is a nice gesture for their time and effort and it should come naturally, as we all like when our work is acknowledged and appreciated, right? :)
♣ It is recommended that all icon posters should host their icons at image hosting sites such as; imgur.com. I would not suggest using tinypic to anyone anymore after the crazyness it caused to non-American users last time around, so better be safe, if tinypic decides to "PMS" again, lol. I find using imgur.com nice, it is one reliable site, nevertheless you are free to use whichever hosting site you feel the most comfortable with, I am just sharing my opinion.
♣ After the iconfest has closed, I will make a post that contains all the icons created for the Fest (this will include a full credits list of the makers for each icon). I am also going to re-upload everything to a public host, so it saves bandwith to those of you, who use private hosting sites.
How the "Prompts" and "Responses" are going to work:
♦ A participant will comment to the main post with their prompt [in a specific format, see below] and anyone interested in creating an icon of that subject, is going to reply to that post with the icon and any details of how the maker would like to be credited.
♦ A prompt may be either a word/phrase/quotation or a specific moment captured on a photo/image/screencapture.
♦ You may make multiple prompts, as long as each prompt is listed in a seperate comment.
♦ Icon makers are encouraged to answer as many prompts as they would like to, or have time for. Even if you only have time for creating a single icon, it is worth to do so (in my opinion).
♦ You may fill a prompt that has been already filled before, as many times as you wish, so there can be multiply choices for the recipient to enjoy.
♦ All icon art has to be new and specifically created for the Icon Fest.
♦ Anonymus entries are not going to be allowed, what is the point in that?
♦ Any NSFW [Not Safe For Work] images must be clearly marked as such in the subject line of the prompt [see below], and any supplied images may only include the URL [so the image itself must not be displayed in the comment]. This will be, so people who do not wish to view such content are clearly warned, and can by-pass/ignore that prompt.
♦ Comments and praise/appreciation for the icons created are highly encouraged, we all love ourselves some ego-boost [:P].
♦ If you're still unsure, as to how all this works, check out the prompt post from
last time Rachel
lemonpunch held an Icon Fest.
The actual format of the "Prompts" and "Responses" and how they are going to work:
♠ To make the post easily searchable for people looking to fill the prompts the following information should be identified in the subject line:
Fandom/Bandom/Fashion/Stock/...etc (character/subject) and [prompt word/phrase] OR Fandom/Bandom/Fashion/Stock/...etc (character/subject) [supplied pic]
So, to show you how this is going to actually look like, when someone will post a prompt:
The Big Bang Theory (Sheldon) [Soft Kitty]
The Vampire Diaries (Damon) [pic supplied]
Stock (trees), black and white
If the supplied image is [Not Safe For Work] (and if you're unsure, make sure to check, or do not post it), please indicate this in the subject line, i.e. Ano Nymus (lol) [supplied pic], NSFW.
♠ The subjects can include fandoms, bandoms (bands/musicians/...etc), stock photography, fashion editorials, quote icons, and people.
♠ People can include models, singers, actors and actresses [either candid or photoshoot] or other personalities.
So, for example; if I wanted an icon of Morgana from the TV Show Merlin BBC, I would use the subject line Merlin BBC (Morgana), or Merlin BBC (Morgana) [pic supplied] depending on whether I had a picture or not. However, if I wanted an icon of Katie McGrath, who plays Morgana, I would use the subject line Katie McGrath, or Katie McGrath [pic supplied].
♠ By "bandom", I (or well, more like Rachel, since I do not use this word :D) just mean music groups; so Muse, The Beatles, ...etc.
♠ The subject of the comment can be left blank, if you have detailed everything in the subject line, or you can use the space to be more specific, actually I would advice you to be more specific if you have peculiar taste or have some specific ideas in mind.
♠ If you are supplying an image, you may post both a thumbline and the image URL, unless the image would be classified as NSFW [Not Safe For Work], then only a link may be provided. Also, please take into account the size of the image, if it is huge do not post the image directly to the comment, because it will mess with the comment boxes, either re-size it for a preview and link it, or just supply an URL link. Thank you for understanding.
♠ Responses are then made as a reply to the original prompt comment with the subject line 'Prompt Filled'. Your subject shall include both the icon, and the URL link to the icon and how you would like to be credited.
♠ Again, if you're still unsure, as to how all this works, check out the prompt post from
last time Rachel
lemonpunch held an Icon Fest.
Holiday Icon Fest links:
[Rules/About] [Promotion] [F.A.Q.] [The Prompt Page] Any thoughts, suggestions you would like to share?
Most likely there are a lot of spelling errors, for that I apologize, it is 5 am. :)
You are welcome to point them out though.
With much love and anticipation,