Title: Spin
infinityuphigh Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is as real as my parents love for Ringo. Which. ...is not...all that real ;__;
A/N: To be honest, I'm not at all sure what I was trying to go for in terms of style with this one.
Place your hand on mine, untie your mind. )
Comments 26
Interestingly enough, even though it was very chaotic and surreal, it was also very easy to read and understand. I loved the bit: 'In chaos. In tears. In truth. In love.' That was stunning and I couldn't keep from crying.
One thing I wonder... in the last part, is that the 'ghost' of John looking back over the past and the present, and watching Paul mourn over him with his music? That's how it seemed to me, but I wasn't sure. Very powerful anyway.
Thank you so much. <3 Please never stop writing!
And yeah, that's exactly what it was. I probably wasn't too clear about it, but I'm glad it made sense, at least XD
I love reading this when i'm in the mood for something that will keep me hanging and rereading every word. Amazing.
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