I found this book. It's called "The Book of Good Cheer." The subtitle is "A Little Bundle of Cheery Thoughts" and it's edited by some guy named Edwin Osgood Grover. It's small and the paper is cheerfully yellowed, and there's a cheery little basket of orange flowers illustrated on the title page. The thing is, it's a "wealth of wisdon and good
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OK. I understand that most of what we (we=people, not we=me) do is socially scripted behavior. But it's cold outside. It's been down in the Ohs and Belows for a few days, and even though it's warming up, that's all relative when it's 4 or 10 or something outside
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So my nephew, who is three, comes up to me and says, "Ninny? Ninny Bitchy Power, Bitchy Power. It's in his whisper-whine voice, and I have no idea, obviously, what Bitchy Power is
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My friend George is opening a business. It's going to be called the Salt Kettle Gallery. He's going to have a florist/gift shop/art gallery. We've been planning for months how we're going to make this paper mache kettle because nobody actually has a kettle anymore. This becomes more important later in the story
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