Since Tuesday I have been laying in bed. Seriously. Today I was able to get up, shower without loosing all my energy and get my nails trimmed. They were extremely long and driving me nuts. Yesterday I finally got some medicine and it is working wonders. I'm not completely healed but I am able to function. So I am still resting. I bought a bunch of
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Yesterday was the most wonderful day I could have ever imagined. I had a hair appointment at 2:00 pm and my mom was here staying the weekend and I told her I was going to pick up Starbucks after my hair appointment. I ended up spilling my coffee all over my car and I was so upset I cried. Not just a little tear but I really just let it out. I'm so
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Often times I go on these little technology runs where I want to have an online journal and then it seems that I don't keep up with it as I should. I have my other journal a handwritten one. I don't know why I keep both. I need to start waking up much earlier instead of laying here and sleeping for hours, but it seems as if I cannot get enough
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Muahahaha. I am skipping classes today. I think that God is giving me a blessing because last nigth when I was taking my French exam, our lectur said that we didn't have class Thursday (i.e. today) because she had to do something for her work. Yay! It's just a great day. I skipped by Chaucer (does british accent for my baby) because we had an essay
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I'm not much for acutally posting a journal entry on
here however I have this linked to several forums that I frequent and
hope that someone will see it and maybe it will plant a seed.
Today I am stepping across the line. I am tired of waffling and I am
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