Thank you! It's good to hear from you again :) I've been neglecting my flist, are things still good or did I miss something important?
I like the *oohh shiny* comments, they're pretty much the best i can do with fics, as you know ;)
I have not made enough B/J kissage icons, this must change! It's funny, I love QAF, but after seeing season 5 I almost never made anything qaf related...denial is a wonderful thing, and as far as I'm concerned that season never happened. Lalalalala.
You've never been in Dublin? I was so sure...I remember a couple of your comments on Irish accent, so I tought you had... ^//^
Well, I'll just ask some informations on EIRE too, when I'll have time to go to the agency :)
By Sua Altezza Morale I assume you mean Rico, right?
Good luck for tomorrow today's exam, but no, you haven't mentioned any past (would be? wish had been?) lover...spill! What was all that about Stupid Emails of Doom?
And get a username already, before I get one for you! What do you say about he_loves_pink, or maybe boing... *slinks of to think up even worse usernames*
Denmark! Denmark! E' stupenda secondo me e tutti parlano inglese benissimo. Ma tu ci sei stata (dove, dove? København? oh mamma adesso ho nostalgia e figurati che ci sono stata solo per una settimana). Norvegia magari? Ok, Malta NO perché ci troveresti 15enni e spiaggia e niente altro, credo. Scozia?
Anche a me la Danimarca è piaciuta un sacco :) Sono stata due volte a Copenhagen, e a Aalborg, ma sempre coi miei e solo per qualche giorno, per cui mi piacerebbe un sacco tornarci. Fra l'altro Aalborg è una cittadina universitaria, per cui dei corsi si dovrebbero trovare, e i costi sono moooolto più umani che nella capitale.
Anche la Norvegia mi ispira, su Malta invece concordo in pieno, sembra la mecca dei licei di mezza Italia :(
*si guarda intorno e piange disperata all'idea di passare l'estate nell'afa di Torino*
PS Grazie mille per il commento alle icone! Per me è difficilissimo capire cosa può piacere/interessare agli altri, ero curiosissima di vedere cosa sarebbe venuto fuori.
Two friends of mine (we're in the same group) were in Denmark this year. hallgerd studies Danish as the second foreign language at the University, but she told me there was a lot of possibilities to practise English as well. The other girl, to my knowledge, knew no Danish when she went there, and she was going there in order to improve her English. So, Denmark's a very good variant.
Yup, that's what I heard too, plus it's a beautiful country, and people seem generally very nice.
Danish is a beautiful language too, altough I just know some basic words, and the food is great :) I hope I'll manage to convince my friends, they seem more oriented toward England/Ireland for now, but I'll have a year to work on them...;)
Wow, you look beautiful! I love the flower crown, I never was able to make them. Where are you? The place looks beautiful, all fresh and green...It makes me want to get out of the city.
Comments 14
(The comment has been removed)
I've been neglecting my flist, are things still good or did I miss something important?
I like the *oohh shiny* comments, they're pretty much the best i can do with fics, as you know ;)
I have not made enough B/J kissage icons, this must change!
It's funny, I love QAF, but after seeing season 5 I almost never made anything qaf related...denial is a wonderful thing, and as far as I'm concerned that season never happened. Lalalalala.
PS: &hearts your icon ^_^
And I'll leave a comment about them.
Note: there's no specification about the month this things will happen...
(yes... my English needs a refresh...)
Well, me and to-be-or-NOT-TO-BE haven't been yet in Dublin.
But Eire is a large country...
(Sua Altezza Morale never visited it too...).
Ok, I come back to my pit of Woe.
An Exam tomorrow.
A possible end of the World yesterday.
Did I mentioned you my love for the past? =________=
Well, I'll just ask some informations on EIRE too, when I'll have time to go to the agency :)
By Sua Altezza Morale I assume you mean Rico, right?
Good luck for tomorrow today's exam, but no, you haven't mentioned any past (would be? wish had been?) lover...spill! What was all that about Stupid Emails of Doom?
And get a username already, before I get one for you! What do you say about he_loves_pink, or maybe boing...
*slinks of to think up even worse usernames*
Appena ho qualche min libero vado su pickmybest
Sono stata due volte a Copenhagen, e a Aalborg, ma sempre coi miei e solo per qualche giorno, per cui mi piacerebbe un sacco tornarci.
Fra l'altro Aalborg è una cittadina universitaria, per cui dei corsi si dovrebbero trovare, e i costi sono moooolto più umani che nella capitale.
Anche la Norvegia mi ispira, su Malta invece concordo in pieno, sembra la mecca dei licei di mezza Italia :(
*si guarda intorno e piange disperata all'idea di passare l'estate nell'afa di Torino*
hallgerd studies Danish as the second foreign language at the University, but she told me there was a lot of possibilities to practise English as well.
The other girl, to my knowledge, knew no Danish when she went there, and she was going there in order to improve her English. So, Denmark's a very good variant.
Danish is a beautiful language too, altough I just know some basic words, and the food is great :)
I hope I'll manage to convince my friends, they seem more oriented toward England/Ireland for now, but I'll have a year to work on them...;)
BTW, do you want to have a look at me?:) Here's a picture of me:
Where are you? The place looks beautiful, all fresh and green...It makes me want to get out of the city.
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