Day 16. A fic people wouldn’t expect you to like.
So to start, I have to explain what I don't like, because most folks would not expect me to not like it. I've been drafting this post in my head for the longest time, and I still don't have a suitable explanation for what I'm about to say. I'm scared that it reveals some deep trauma to the innermost recesses of my psyche, but I've decided to go ahead and share it with you: I have a hand-holding squick. I don't know why. It's icky!
I have to admit that I haven't always been wild about holding hands in real life either (me holding hands with someone else, not other people holding hands with other people), but I do enjoy it from time to time. Like to express extreme feelings of shmoopy love, or so I don't stray into traffic. So I don't know why the squick is so strong with fic. But I'll seriously be reading a perfectly lovely story and then BAM! someone curls their fingers around someone else's fingers and I am Totally Grossed Out. I usually can't get through the rest of the fic, and have to go read about
Bob and Brian raising unicorns, or
Spocktopus, Kirk's be-tentacled boyfriend under the sea, or
some good old-fashioned MPREG to purge the ick from my brain. You know. Something wholesome and pure and true. Let me try to explain.
When it is acceptable to hold hands with someone:
When running for your lives.
When meeting for the first time. This is known as a hand shake, not to be confused with a milkshake, as in, Danny's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
When it's required for your chosen mode of transportation.
(Although, seriously? What! <3)
When making a Statement About Your Relationship to Other People and the World.
When you're in a band (idek).
Panic hand-holding video ftw! When you're the Doctor.
When you or your Best Beloved is apparently about to die.
When it is not acceptable to hold hands with someone: when you are the military commander of Atlantis under DADT (unless you are thinking "fuck all this!", see above re: Making a Statement), when on a first date, and when lying in bed together (idek. what is my problem? ::facepalms::). All of these are Wrong.
Ronon agrees: Wrong, McKay. Take us someplace nice next time.
Fortunately, there are many other things you can do with your hands if you find yourself overcome with the hand-holding urge.
Shawn and Gus are particularly skilled at this art.
Maybe you can help your best beloved keep his pants on.
Take pictures of your beloved.
Handcuff yourself to your beloveds.
Bring your beloved flowers.
Or make him a gift.
Read your beloved's mind.
Or find him something nice to wear.
Simulate sex in front of a whole lot of people. (Although Frank and Gee may also hold hands at any time, because they are in a band.)
Get naked.
Give your beloved a squeeze.
But sometimes, I just don't even know, people, just sometimes, it's just a-okay.
I'll close with this PSA
phineasjones sent to me because she knows my weaknesses, which totally made me cry with happiness at hand-holding.
Click to view
And that is what the recs below are all about. Because they all have hand-holding, and when I got to the hand-holding, I was totally amazed that fingers touching other fingers and being lovingly laced together made me 100% squeeful and did not send me running for the hills.
Hand-Holding Fic Rec Time!
Ok, so I lied. The first two or three here are about not holding hands and do not involve actual hand-holding happening, if I remember correctly.
The Curious Case of that Time with the Thing by
giddygeekPsych, Shawn/Gus, 5,800 words
Shawn mirrors my feelings perfectly as Gus is being rushed into an ambulance: He doesn't hold Gus's hand because if he did, Gus would probably think he was dying, but he makes sure their pinkies touch on the gurney. Yes! See - I am not alone! Because Hand-Holding Times Is Serious Times, people.
Careful Where You Touch by
diraSG1, Sam/Vala, DADT-era, 1,600 words
They were stupid rules. Protecting unit cohesion, ha. As if SG-1's cohesion needed any protecting.
Lovely short story which says so much and is funny and completely Vala and Sam and I'm just all flaily about it.
A Handholding Song by
skoosiepantsBandom, Bob/Joe, Brendon/Spencer, Frank/Gerard, 15,000 words
“I’m gonna write a song about you,” Joe says. “It’ll be a handholding song, I hope you don’t mind if I make you a girl.”
Gah, I forgot about this story and how much I love it. Hobo Joe and security guard Bob and their adorable romance! Which I think does not actually involve hand-holding.
Ok, on to actual hand-holding.
The Days Beyond by
misspamelaThe Eagle, Esca/Marcus, 13,857 words
Shows us what was going on with them throughout the movie. There's one scene where they hold and drop each other's hands more than once during a particularly Esca-and-Marcus-esque conversation:
Marcus: I am somewhat dense and not sure if you even like me.
Esca: I am forever yours.
Marcus: I still do not understand. Try saying it louder. And with tongue.
... and man, I was like "yes! holding hands FOREVER FTW!!!"
Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) by
passe_simpleBandom, Brendon/Spencer, 40,000 words
"Whatever, you drive like my grandma," Brendon said, but he moved back over to the passenger side and pulled on his seatbelt. He managed it without letting go of Spencer’s hand, though.
Because I've always believed in Brendon Urie holding hands. It's like it was what he was born to do.
Down the Shore Everything's All Right by
thehoydenHawaii 5-0, Danny/Steve, 3,500 words
In which Steve holds Danny's hand 1. because Danno has had a brush with death and 2. to express to Rachel that they are Destined To Be Together and Never To Be Torn Asunder. So totally sanctioned hand-holding. Loved it so much I
did a podfic of it. The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Con Men by
OnYourMarkWhite Collar, Neal/Peter/El, 12,000 words
There are six rules every con should obey. Neal's going to break them all. Starting with his refrigerator.
Lovely story about Neal trying to break himself of his conman ways in order to settle down with the Burkes. Hand-holding only occurs in Serious Times, if memory serves, so, acceptable!
Variable Skill Sets by
gyzymAvengers, Steve/Tony, established relationship, 4,000 words
Steve and Tony are in a department store, there's a lost kid, Steve ends up holding Tony's hand, and I just can't even. The Avengers fandom and this pairing in particular has the ability to break me. I will read anything. They can hold hands for an eternity, for all I care. Bring it on.
::facepalms:: The end.
the rest of the meme
Yes, it's now been over a year since I started this 30 day meme. And I will finish it, by Grabthar's hammer.
Day 01. A fic with a great openingDay 02. A favorite new fic (posted in the last few weeks)Day 03. A long-standing favorite ficDay 04. A fic that you wish more people would readDay 05. A fic you weren't sure you'd like but ended up lovingDay 06. A guilty pleasure ficDay 07. A fic with a wonderful kissDay 08. A fic you plan on reading (old or new)Day 09. A fic that makes you happyDay 10. A fic that reminds you of someoneDay 11. A fic that changed your perceptions of the charactersDay 12. A fic with excellent banterDay 13. A fic you liked when you were youngerDay 14. A fic that breaks your heartDay 15. A fic you've read more than 5 timesDay 16. A fic people wouldn’t expect you to like
Day 17. A fic that holds a lot of meaning to you
Day 18. A remix fic you like
Day 19. A fic that makes you laugh
Day 20. A fic by one of your favorite authors
Day 21. A fic currently stuck in your headDay 22. A fic you won't read late at night
Day 23. A favourite short fic (> 300 words)
Day 24. One of the first fanfics you read
Day 25. A fic you wish you'd never read
Day 26. A fic with a great OC
Day 27. A fic that spawned an inside joke
Day 28. A fic with a pairing you never thought you'd read
Day 29. A fic that turns you on
Day 30. A fic with a great ending
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