The Ink Family Legacy: Generation 5 Chapter 4 Part 1

Jul 28, 2011 14:50

Oh hey guys!

It's been what, three weeks? Here, have a five part, nearly 500 picture chapter to make up for it.

And yes, I do believe I've finally gone insane. Thanks for asking.

Let's see, last time we had the Inks in Sunset Valley looking for Amélie! And, thanks to Rhyme's excellent work thus far, she was found quickly. Amy was quickly accepted into the family that she had been waiting for these past four years. New little sister in tow, Nicotine Dreams managed to rock the Sunset Valley concert, but Abel and Kira had a bit of a spat over Reese. Cue China, where working on their song together caused Kira to discover that Abel and his family are vampires! She took it surprisingly well. Of course, that led to a love confession from Abel that she definitely did not take well. The concert passed without them making up, and she even missed Rhyme and Levi's lovely wedding despite being invited. But just as they were to return to Riverview, Kira announced that she had broken up with Reese and wanted to be with Abel! So it's plus a new girlfriend and a new sister and minus Rhyme and Levi for their honeymoon as out gen five heir returns to his hometown!

...Next chapter's summary is going to be EVEN WORSE. I'm calling kudzu plot on this legacy, damn.

Ah, to hell with it. I'm having too much fun. :) Let's start this thing, shall we?

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At last, Riverview.

After a crazy tour around the world in seven cities, Nicotine Dreams had returned to their hometown for their final concert.

Far be it from them to disappoint their hometown! The quads put on their best performance yet.

It was good to be back home.

Blue Amnesia followed up, as usual. There was nothing perceptibly different about the way they played - it was as smooth as ever - but it definitely looked as though they were performing on their own and just happened to sync up.

It still made for a wonderful concert to end the series, though.

--- --- --- --- ---

And where's there's a concert, there's a party, right?

And, as with all the parties before them, Nicotine Dreams kicked it off with a request stage! The requested songs were just as weird as always, but the crowd was pretty impressed when they played the theme song to a telenovela.

After the request time closed, Abel and Kira got up on stage.

"Hey, can we get everyone's attention here?" Abel called.

"You might've heard about it, but Kira and I have been working on a song together over the course of our tour! And luckily for you guys, we're going to premiere it tonight!"

"Everyone stand back and enjoy! I'll be playing the guitar for this one, so forgive me if my playing's not as polished as usual!" he finished.

The crowd cheered, so it was time to get started!

The song was a fast paced one, much lighter and more upbeat than the songs Kira usually sang. Abel, one man band that he was, managed to play the guitar flawlessly and sing a few verses too!

They definitely were having fun with it... the crowd watched intensely, completely silent.

But when it finished on a high note, the crowd burst into applause, cheering. The song was a hit already!

Seizing the opportunity, Abel grabbed Kira's hand.

"Hey, Kira?"

"So, since you broke up with Reese he kicked you out of the place you lived together, right?"

"Er, yeah. We went over that. But what are -"

"I'm getting there, hold on."

"Well, why don't you move in with me? Well, me and my siblings, but the house has like eight bedrooms, so yeah." he asked nervously.

"You just had to ask me in front of everyone, didn't you." she sighed, smiling slightly.

"On the bright side, you now have the chance to shoot me down in public."

"Ha ha. But seeing as I don't have anywhere to go, and I like your face, I guess I'll move in with you."

"You like my face? That's really the most affectionate thing you could come up with right now?"

"Shut up and kiss me, idiot."

Abel didn't need to be told twice.

The VIPs got a good shock from that! The reactions were all over the place.

From joy...

"YEAH ABEL! GET IT!" mixed emotions at best.

"I thought we were going to do this tomorrow." Noah whispered.

"But it's so much sweeter this way!" Row cooed.

"Oh god, the things the tabloids will say."

"Why do I feel like my interview just got that much harder?"

It would be interesting, to say the least.

But hey! We're still having a party here! So, without further ado, a picspam of the rest of the evening:

It's just not a VIP party without copious dancing!

Everyone got to show their moves (or lack thereof) on the dance floor~

Somebody's digging the open bar.

Of course, Mandi was just ordering for the whole group, right?


There was a little karaoke booth, which Mia jumped on right away. Taryn and Taya were grooving, waiting for their turns.

These two did their own thing. Way to be involved in the party, guys.

"Steven Stone? Hey, I'm Aiden Hale, from The Gazette."

"Ah, right, you guys booked an interview, didn't you?" Steven replied.

"Go ahead." Steven chuckled. "Just be warned, those kids never take anything seriously. Good luck getting decent answers out of them."


True to Steven's word, the quads were mostly silly. Abel only talked a little bit about his new song before going off on a tangent.

Noah, meanwhile, spent the whole time talking about some book called 1948. His review about it was so ambiguous that he wasn't sure if he was being praised or insulted.

Seth just talked about painting the whole time, reminding Aiden of Camilla...

...and Sparrow for some reason talked about how he kind of reminded her of her grandmother, with the hair color and freckles and glasses thing.

Moral of the story is, the Inks are terrible at interviews. For all this trouble, Aiden figured he'd be better off as a professional author than a journalist.

After that, the quads figured they better get out there and socialize with their guests! However, like last time, Abel and Seth were the popular ones.

Abel spent some time talking to Taya who, despite being a little on the neurotic side, actually fought fires for a living! Abel was fascinated, being a daredevil and all, and asked her all sorts of questions about it.

Abel then wandered over to talk to the charming Taryn! She mostly had it together after her little freak out on the stage, ha ha! She still had a few moments when she talkedreallyfastlikethisandblurredherwordstogether, but he could still pick up the main points. They had a great time talking!

Seth was busy greeting the VIPs as well, and spoke with Mandi first! She was artistic like him, but a thousand times more outgoing. They did have quite the conversation about some family called the Martins though, whoever they were.

Lexi was the next VIP that Seth spoke to that night! She, like many of the fans, was so excited to meet the members of Nicotine Dreams in person! She tried to play it cool, but every now and then she'd have a burst of fangirl giddiness~

The last VIP was Mia, who had squeezed onto the guest list at the last second due to her knowledge of Japanese, saving the crew from a layover situation when they stopped in Japan on their way home from China.

Mia was a writer - a career that Seth had dabbled in here and there in his life - so they spent a lot of time talking about that. He did wonder why she asked him how he felt about androids, though.

With that, the part came to a close. After so much traveling, everyone was ready for a little rest.

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Rest that would hopefully be easy to attain in their new home! They had it remodeled when they first left, and it looks like construction finished just in time.

The ninth version of the Ink home would suit gen five just fine, it seemed.

--- --- --- --- ---

And then, for a few weeks, everything was peaceful.

But that never lasts, does it?

"Why is the school calling?" Abel mused as he picked up the phone.

"Hello? Yeah, this is Abel Ink, Amélie's guardian."


"Wait, what?!"

"None of her classes? Again?"


"Right, right, I understand that. I'll...I'll go talk to her."

Abel sighed as he walked into the nursery, finding Amy right where he left her.

"Abel, you're back! Hey, hey, let's build a pyramid next!"

"Not now, Amy, put those away. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Okay~!" she responded, complying.

Abel wondered - if she was so obedient now, why would it be different in school?

"Amy, why have you been skipping class? Your teacher called me to say that you haven't gone to any of them today and yesterday, and less than half before that!"

Amélie set her expression into a stubborn frown and looked away.

"Amy, you have to given me an answer."

"I don't want to go to school, big brother. I want to stay home all day with you!"

"You can't do that Amy. Mostly because it's illegal until you're in high school, but also for your benefit. Don't you want to learn?"

"Why? I can already read and write. Besides, I'm a vampire - what do I need school for?" she replied evenly.

Abel's expression shifted to worry. "Who...who taught you to think like that, Amy?"

She didn't respond, but they both knew who.

He put a hand on her should and started seriously. "Amélie. Listen to me."

But Amy shrugged him off and walked briskly out of the room.

"I'm not interested in anything but my family!" she called back angrily. Why would he do this to her?! Was he really that eager to be rid of her all day?

Of course, Abel wasn't willing to let her go that easily - Amy needed a normal life, and that meant going to school with other children her age. Seven year olds shouldn't be that reluctant for social interaction.

Lucky that Seth worked at the elementary school. He taught art for the primary grades, so Amy was promised that if she went to all her classes, she could have his class at the end of the day and he would take her home instead of her riding the bus.

"Alright Seth, I'm passing her off to you. Make sure she eats her lunch, okay?"

"Amy, you'll be good and go to all your classes, right?" Abel scolded gently.

"Yes, big brother." she mumbled.

"You know that we're only doing this because we love you, right? We want Amy to have everything we had growing up, and that means we want you to go to school and make friends, okay?"

Amélie knew he meant well, but for her, her siblings were enough. But if this would make them happy, then...

"C'mon Amy, let's go inside." Seth encouraged. "Once it's sixth hour we can have art class - you love painting, right?"

Amy smiled. "Yeah."

"Well then, if you can make it through today, we'll paint together." he promised.

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Seth's art class was for somewhat advanced students. Although the kids in the class were only seven or eight, under Seth's teaching they became quite skilled!

Amy was shy painting in front of strangers, so she usually spent her time next to Seth as he sketched out the example piece for the next lesson.

"Hey, Mr. Ink?"

"Yes, Lyle?"

"I need help."

"Okay. If you wait a few minute I can -"

"Actually, I was wondering if Amélie could help me!" Lyle said with a grin.

Seth assessed the situation. How long were boys safe until they were threats to his sister's virtue?

Well, a second grader was okay. Probably.

"Very well. Amy, go help Lyle for a bit, okay?"

She shot him a panicked look, but he bribed her with the promise of ice cream on the way home, so she took the plunge.

"Um...h-hi." she managed.

"Hi! I'm Lyle Bloom. You're in class 2A, right? I'm in 2C!" he enthused, introducing himself.

"N-nice to meet you."

"Hey, so since Mr. Ink is always praising you you've got to be really good at painting, right?"

"I'm okay."

"Better than okay!" he insisted. "Anyway, I don't get how we're supposed to do this week's assignment. Could you do it first so I can get an idea?"

Amy sighed - that was easy enough. It exhausted her to interact with others, but this wouldn't be so bad...

"Oh, is this what he meant by 'anything natural and unnatural together'?" Lyle said loudly.

"Mmm. It could be simpler though, like a plastic flower." she replied.

It was a small step down a long road, but if it made her siblings happy, Amélie would keep walking.

--- --- --- --- ---

"It's been awhile." Noah chuckled as he walked into the graveyard. "Nothing ever changes here, though."

Noah came here with one purpose in mind - to reunite with the girl that had always been waiting here for him with a smile on her face.

"Isis!" he called.

Sure enough, she turned around and smiled.

"Long time no see, huh Noah?"

"Woah." he said as he took in her new appearance. "Isis, you'"

"Ha ha! Looks like I got it right then!" she chuckled.

"I had to hazard a guess at what you liked from all those awful girls you dated throughout high school. The robes were kind of annoying me anyway."

"You guessed well."

"I can tell! Now c'mon, let's sit and chat a spell, hmm?"

"So, how'd the rest of your tour go?" she asked.

"Lots of singing and playing the piano. I thought my goddamn fingers would fall off." Noah chuckled. "Rhy got married though, that was good. A nerd proposed to Row and we let him live. Abe finally reeled in that loud redhead after a lot of back and forth. That's pretty much it."

"Sounds like you had fun!"

"What about you? You put your family in their place, right?" Noah asked.

Isis smiled slightly, bitterly. "Kind of."

"Kind of?"

"Well, thanks to you I'm healthier than I've ever been - even my eyesight got a bit better. So I went and talked to my grandfather and he made me head of the family. Dad wasn't too happy about that. Anyway, I messed around with the will and all that."


"Yeah, I basically assigned a plot of land with a house on it to myself, making sure it was a ways away from the main house. Then, once I made sure no one could change that, I tossed the heir position to my younger sister."

"That must have caused a fuss."

Isis laughed. "It was a huge relief, but yeah, everyone was upset. They didn't like me, but I'm the only one with the family 'gift', so I'm the only one who should be in charge. The family back in Egypt were ready to break off ties."

"I almost feel bad, but then I remember that to them I was just an ill, half blind daughter who was only good for messing up ghosts. I'm glad I'm on my own now - I couldn't spend another day in that house."

After a short moment, Noah said, "You know that you're much more than that, right? More than just a girl that can see ghosts."

Isis smiled and turned to him, her hand trailing self consciously to the scar on her face. "Oh? More than a formerly sickly ex-heiress?"

Noah rolled his eyes. "Do I have to make a list of why I stopped dating all those girls for you? I may be conceited, but there's a ton of girls that I could have, but I only want you. Isn't that something?"

"Is that how you romance a girl, Noah? Conceited indeed."

Still, she was smiling as brightly as ever, so he knew that he managed to cheer her up.

"Well..." he said, drawing her closer. "Words aren't my preferred method of romancing."

"I figured. You're not very good with them."

"There are other things I'm much better at."

"I figured that much too."

Isis broke away for air and gasped, "You know...there are a lot of empty rooms in the mausoleum."

Noah blinked in surprise. "'re sure?"

"Are you really going to make me ask again?"

Noah answered her with a more aggressive kiss than before, sweeping her off the bench and setting off for the mausoleum.

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I made Isis as a teenager without really looking at her as a YA, and I was kinda stunned at how pretty she ended up, ha ha! I think I should get around to uploading all the spouses this gen...

A special thanks to [user]simsaholic for Lyle! I told her I'd make good use of him eventually, ha ha.

For stop #2 on your five part journey, click here.

the ink family legacy generation 5, story pages

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