Who: dapperdevious and justwants2dance What: That awkward moment when your twin pwns you Where: Jeremy's apartment, London When: Morning after THIS Rating: Who knows
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Not to self: Don't chase a rugrat into a ball pit, up a jungle gym and down a slippery slide when they're covered in ice cream and chocolate sauce. It's never going to end well.
A psychic client just told me we're having a baby boy with dark curly hair, light eyes and we're going to call him a B name linked to his father, who's name sounded like Bayden or Benjamin O.O
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That gorgeous moment when justbeingaqueen and rockstarwarbler are singing in perfect and beautiful harmony to their baby, while baby mama sits here crying all emotional.
Day off with the other half and the son... These are seriously the best days ever... Even if my 3 year old is flogging my ass at Candy Land. I think his mom's helping him cheat. :P