I once said that it the times where you feel the worst define you the most. How you react to them, whether you get up again and fight your way to the top, these are the decisions that shape you. I still believe it
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I know we have never had a perfect relationship. I know we have not always seen eye to eye. I've said terrible things about you and thought worse. I know I havent been the best, but I also know I have worked hard to do right. I dont know if you are out there
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"Ladies and Gentlemen! You've read about it in the newspapers! Now, shudder as you ovserve, before your very EYES, that most rare and tragic of nature's mistakes
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7 weeks. Back, for what? a week an a half? maybe? 15th-the week of the 24th? Then off. No. No way to rationalize it in my head. Not this time
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