Aug 23, 2008 00:34
[Haruhi is sitting in the middle of the road, staring blankly at the ground. The body of a policeman is beside her, blood pooling larger and larger around the corpse. Haruhi herself is splattered in blood and a gun is clutched in her small hands. She seems neither angry or afraid, simply blank]
dangerous? a killer,
police plot
Aug 15, 2008 22:03
[Haruhi is sitting outside her apartment building in the cold and rain, clinging to her stuffed toy. She doesn't seem to to notice any people who walk by and stare; her eyes remain focused on the ground]
joker plot after math,
Jul 30, 2008 14:21
[is hiding by a park bench, looking pale and sick, and she's shaking violently. She's clinging to the stuffed cat with all her might]
Make the bad man go away. I don't want to die.
((ooc: I know, I post with her too much u_u, sorry))
someone save me,
the joker
Jul 27, 2008 18:06
[In the middle of the church there is a little girl curled up in fetal position on the grass, asleep. The only thing around her is a stuffed cat. She is pale, and thin, and totally naked except for a ribboned headband atop her head]
((ooc: plz come wake her up, but just remember she doesn't really talk~))
sleepy time,
intro post