Fill out and leave in a comment on this post only. DO NOT make an entire new entry with your application or Dr. Cox will come after you with a rolled up newspaper.
If you don't get your first choice, please consider applying for another character. We want as much of the staff playing as possible!
That's a good Newbie. )
Comments 158
-Name: Lara
-Age: ...25 *ducks* (But my job is online so I'm around...kind of all the time)
-RP/Scrubs Experience: I've been an online RPer since I was 17. I play in an original (and terribly active) game darker_london in which I have over 40 characters (because I am crazy) and I co-mod as well. My most active character is father_peter if you'd like to look him over since the community is friends only! And I've been a Scrubs fan since the beginning. I own all the DVDs as well. I love it! Scrubs and RPGs are my crack ( ... )
approved! let me know when you've decided and actually create the journal ^_^
I'm glad you liked the bedpans! :D
But let me talk it over with my co-mod. What character would you be interested in applying for?
I was going to apply for Jordan until I realized she was taken, so I'm guessing probably Danni Sullivan, because I enjoy her psycho, lol. Also, do you think Molly Clock will ever be an option? I know you put Keith up there, but he's restricted for now, and I'm guessing probably because he appears later in the show, and of course so does Molly.
I'll be waiting patiently. ^__^
You're perfectly welcome to contact any of the players and play with them privately, of course, but the community has rules and we want them to be followed by everyone - and that includes ourselves.
Sorry. ^^;
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