Title: Borderline
Disclaimer: I didn't own anything except for the plot
Characters: Inoo, Yabu, Yaotome
Genre: fantasy, romance
Summary: Borderline is a moment in time where wishes are granted but with a equivalent compensation.
Author's Note: I posted this in one of my journal before but i wanted to post it again here... so enjoy readingXD
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Comments 1
I'm really curious about what happened to Kei & Kota in the past. Well, there are a lot of things that I'm curious about >< Because there are some things that doesn't make sense haha. I mean like how Kota was supposed to be dead but then wasn't Kota the one who was leaving notes to kei every year? That's why I'm so confused XDD And was Kei's memory the compensation from the borderline but then that also doesn't make sense since when he entered the borderline, he already forgot his memory about some things. Oh well~ haha
Anyway, thank you so much for the update and I'll wait patiently for the next chapter :3
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