I kinda know how you feel, being in one town far away and all your friends together in another place. But I think you may be over-reacting a little bit. I don't think her response was quite, like, accurate maybe, but it's all kind of emotiosn running on high, you know? It's hard to be away from everyone cause nobody ever really calls, or emails, or anything, but it sort of comes with the territory. It isn't because people have forgotten you or stopped caring about you. I don't know what's going on with your friend so I don't really have an opinion there, but I know I still think about you and care about you, even if we dont hear from each other often!! College kind of steals your life away. And it's even worse when you don't have a really close friend right nearby. It's sort of alienating. But things will be ok and people love you because you're good enough, you're smart enough, and you're worth it, gosh darnit! I know that quote was off haha.
im sorry that i have yet to come see you. i still think about you daily and tell people that you are the hottest thing ever. i miss you dearly. this is lauren btw. so add me pronto. I <3 YOU.
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