I know what you are feeling... my best friend is thousands of miles from me. But we stay in contact. See keerping a friendship works both ways. You cant get upset that someone doesnt call you if you arent calling them it is a curtesy thing. IT is hard to go through this cause it is a lonely life walking through it by yourself and i know that feeling. And it drives you batty and puts you down a lot. I know it wasnt a whoa is me post just natural posting of feelings but i felt the need to reply cause i know what you are going through
Yea, i'm still in contact with my friend even though we're thousands of miles apart...actually, hopefully soon i'll be moving down to florida and staying with him, not just cause of what is goin on here...but mostly because the house i'm living in now is owned by my brother, and he plans on selling it real soon and if it wasn't for my friend, i wouldn't have anywhere else to go.
It's cool. Just so you know, I do miss you and still care about you. I never forgot about you at all. Always wondered how you were doing. What you were up to. But I was told you didn't want to see anyone. Never go out. I know how stubborn you are so I didn't even try. I guess I could have just to show you I cared, and that's my fault. But to me you're still a friend. Even if we haven't talked. Ask anyone, I always talk about how much I miss you...
there was a point where i didn't want to see anyone anymore, and to be honest...it still feels like it's there, but that might be because i haven't heard from any of yous in a long time...i jus feel like i needed some me time, and i to some extent, i still do...but i've hit that point where i need to get out of my house, and interact with other people...whether it's for friends or even looking for a job, which i still am by the way. I don't know...these past couple of years have been completely an utterly insane for me, and i can't stress that enough...i feel like i've opened my eyes to soo much opther stuff, yet i'm still in the shadows of what's always been goin on with me
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