Apr 09, 2002 21:12
Feeling a little sicky today. first i didnt eat much then i ate a whole lot of cheese and now i just feel like a giant cheese man... did some babysitting for the Mr. Mentaly challenged today, only got given
Apr 08, 2002 13:01
I AM BACK! after a two day absence i have returned and im stoned, which is always good. At this very second im munching on jam doughnuts *drool* and sammaches, spent the day dossing about Ealing and waiting for the day to end. Blah. anyway, now off to eat more food and subside my munchies. Byeeee.
Apr 07, 2002 00:56
yay, a journal. sweet. Now i too can contribute to the millions of pages that float about the web with no meaning or purpose at all. Yay! :D